"Blackmailing, Threatening Platform X a Violation of EU Values"

The European Commission's application of EU legislation to blackmail X and censor certain political opinions is a cause for serious concern, according to MEPs in the Patriots for Europe group.

2024. 07. 30. 14:46
gálkinga, Gál Kinga (Forrás: Facebook/Gál Kinga)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Kinga Gal, MEP of Fidesz and first vice-president of the Patriots group, Tamas Deutsch, head of the Fidesz EP delegation, and the French, Spanish, Austrian and Czech MEPs in the Patriots for Europe group have sent the European Commission questions that require written answers regarding the proceedings launched by Brussels against the social media platform X. In the MEPs' view, 

it raises serious concerns that the European Commission is using EU law to blackmail X and censor certain political opinions.

As is known, in mid-July, the European Commission accused the social media platform X of breaching the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA). In reaction to this, Elon Musk, the owner of the social networking site, claimed that 

the Commission offered an illegal secret deal to X, the essence of which was that if X secretly censored speech, the Commission would not fine the platform. Musk also stated that while the other platforms accepted the deal, X did not. 

The MEPs say this is a cause for concern about

the biased application of the DSA and the push by the European Commission for the censorship of politically undesirable content.

The MEPs have asked the European Commission what exactly was the content of the secret deal offered and whether the Commission believes that "the threatening and punishment of platforms for refusing to censor certain political opinions is in line with EU values, such as the rule of law and fundamental rights".

In addition, the MEPs are seeking answer to the question of how the European Commission ensures that the application of the DSA does not result in the censorship of certain political opinions and in the restriction of the freedom of speech.

Cover photo: MEP Kinga Gal (Source: Facebook/Kinga Gal)

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