Communications Director: PM Orban Under Massive Attack

Pro-war forces have launched a massive attack against Prime Minister Viktor Orban over his peace mission, the communications director of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrats said in a video posted on Facebook on Friday.

2024. 08. 03. 14:18
Photo: Hungarian Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Tamas Menczer, communications director of the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrats, emphasized that 

the peace mission is needed as it is a moral, ethical, Christian duty, because people are dying, hundreds of thousands of them, including Hungarians. The peace mission is also necessary because the risk of escalation, of a third world war, is enormous,

he added, stressing that, moreover, there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield, "on the battlefield where there are only dead".

"So these three are the most important reasons for the peace mission. Now we can see that pro-war forces have launched a massive attack against Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban over his peace mission," Tamas Menzcer said.

The critics claim, for example, that Viktor Orban is abusing and taking advantage of the rotating EU presidency Hungary is currently holding. They criticize Viktor Orban as if he were fighting for a bad cause when he is fighting for peace, the communications director said.

Since when is peace bad? I didn't know that peace was bad. I thought peace was good. Now, in comparison, Viktor Orban, who is fighting for peace, is being attacked in every possible way. However, as usual, Viktor Orban is at least four or five steps ahead of his brave fellow European politicians,

Tamas Menczer said.

He recalled that in his report to the Council of Europe, PM Orban proposed that negotiations should be initiated with Russia, China and the "southern half of the world". Since then, the US and Russian defense ministers have been in talks, just like the Chinese and US foreign ministers, the Chinese and Russian foreign ministers, the Swiss and Russian foreign ministers, and "President Trump" has been in talks with President Zelensky.

"So Viktor Orban is obviously four or five steps ahead again. We need peace and we will continue to work for peace in the future despite all pro-war pressure," Tamas Menczer said.

Cover photo: In the photo released by the Hungarian Prime Minister's Press Office, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Hungarian PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

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