Kyiv to Attack Russian Airports with New Drone + Video

Ukraine's newly developed long-range missile drone is intended to prevent Russian air strikes, according to a security expert. Although Kyiv keeps asking for air defence equipment and missiles from its Western allies, it does have the means to develop such weapons.

2024. 08. 28. 14:45
Illustration: Drone (Photo: United24/X)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ukraine has announced a new long-range weapon capable of striking deep inside Russia. This development addresses Kyiv's challenge of needing permission to use Western weapons within Russian territory. The new weapon is a combination of a missile and a drone.

Mikhail Fedorov spoke to the AP news agency about the new missile drone. Ukrainian officials explained that the Palianitsya was developed out of necessity, as Russia has dominated the skies since the war began in February 2022 and Ukraine’s Western allies have imposed conditions on the use of long-range missiles in Russia, AP reports.

The first successful use of the new weapon was confirmed by President Volodymyr Zelensky during his Independence Day speech on August 24. A video posted on his social media on August 25 provided further details, according to the Kyiv Independent.

Mr. Zelensky stated that Russia had launched "43,000 missiles and glide bombs of various types into Ukraine" from airfields in Russia since the start of the war.

"One of the most effective ways to counter this is to strike the carriers of these weapons, the aircraft on Russian military airfields," he added.

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov also noted that the weapon would be deployed soon, as highlighted by AP.

Security policy expert Istvan Gyarmati confirmed to our newspaper that the development and deployment of the Ukrainian drone Palianitsya are likely credible. He pointed out that 

a significant portion of the Soviet Union’s weapon production occurred in Ukraine, providing a basis for such developments. And this is not the first instance of ambitious developments by the Ukrainians,

– he added.

If necessary, Ukraine can naturally call on Western assistance, but they are fully capable of further developing the Neptun missiles. Currently, a significant number of new weapon systems are emerging from Ukraine,

– the expert emphasized.

These new systems are not meant to replace Western weapons but to complement them, he added.

The new weapon’s name is symbolic—the term "palianitsya" refers to a traditional Ukrainian bread and is reportedly difficult for Russians to pronounce, according to the Kyiv Independent. One report even suggested that Ukrainians used the term to identify a Russian agent. While details about the weapon are still somewhat secret, some information has already emerged. For instance, the weapon is powered by a turbojet engine and is launched from a ground platform, rather than from a fighter jet. Ukrainian sources also indicate that its cost is significantly lower compared to similar weapons.

Cover photo: Palianitsya (Photo: United24)

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