As highlighted by Magyar Nemzet in an earlier article, Donald Tusk recently announced at a press briefing that Poland's ministers of justice, finance and home affairs have signed an inter-ministerial agreement on inter-ministerial cooperation "to secure and recover any unlawfully spent treasury assets". According to Mr. Tusk, the initiative is aimed at investigating the flow of funds under the previous government led by the Law and Justice (PiS) party.
"Tusk's an Ordinary Political Cheat"
Poland's prime minister has been accused of lying publicly by the country's former culture minister.

According to the Polish prime minister, Poland's tax authorities are carrying out audits in a total value of PLN 100 billion across ninety organizations.
Mr.Tusk lied,
– former PiS culture minister Piotr Glinski said in reaction to the investigation, as reported by the Polish wPolityce news portal.
On his social media, Mr. Glinski stated on Saturday that "in the autumn, Tusk lied that we spent half a billion "on ourselves" in the ministry of culture and national heritage. I wrote an interpellation about this. Of course, he was unable to justify this slander."
Yesterday [Friday] he lied in the same way. He's an ordinary political cheat. He is destroying Polish culture, our development potential, our democracy. Sooner or later Poland will have to pay a heavy price for this,
– Mr. Glinski emphasized.
Cover photo: Polish PM Donald Tusk (Photo: AFP)
A téma legfrissebb hírei
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Macron and His Allies Are Chasing Europe Into a Dead End for Ukrainian Interests
The risk of collapse must also be considered, even if the war ends immediately.
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President of Hungarian Alliance: New Era Has Started
To strengthen the ethnic Hungarian community in Slovakia, the Hungarian Alliance needs to offer a clear profile, a new structure and a vision for the future.

New War with Russia Looming on Horizon Because Of Zelensky
The dispute between Washington and Kyiv is over the extent of American access.

Teachers' Association Chief: It's Up To Parents What Children Read
The president of the National Teachers' Association would not make books similar to Fairyland is for Everyone mandatory reading in schools, based on what he has heard about them.

Macron and His Allies Are Chasing Europe Into a Dead End for Ukrainian Interests
The risk of collapse must also be considered, even if the war ends immediately.