Unique Drone Show to Delight Spectators at August 20 Celebrations

The coordinated movement of one thousand three hundred drones will make this year's St Stephen's Day fireworks show even more magical. Organizers have been preparing for over a year for the spectacular event, which pays tribute to Hungary's history and cultural heritage.

2024. 08. 18. 15:04
Drone show over the Danube and Chain Bridge in Budapest
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The highlight of St Stephen's Day celebrations in Hungary every year is the festive fireworks display, which now includes the light show illumination of the Parliament building and the drone show with one thousand three hundred unmanned aerial vehicles taking to the sky to create the most impressive formations. The images brought to life by the drones are connected in a common narrative and are integrated with the pyrotechnic spectacles. The first element of the choreography is the famous archer on horseback, followed by the legend of the miraculous stag. Then the Holy Crown will appear in the sky in a more monumental form than ever before, and finally the performance will conclude with a stunning three-dimensional cross rotating in space, the creators told Magyar Nemzet.

Preparations have been in full swing for months, and both the planning and the implementation have required extraordinary expertise. The complex animations have undergone multiple simulation phases and have been tested several times at the testing area at Szigetmonostor before the final on-site tests take place on August 18.

The production is the result of the concerted efforts of more than twenty professionals who had key roles not only in creating the visuals but also in developing the safety measures. The safety of spectators is ensured by multi-layered protection systems and drone nets stretched over critical points, with separate motorboat units on standby in case an unmanned aircraft falls into the Danube during the show. The movement of the drones and the coordination of the animations they create with the fireworks requires extreme precision, as these two elements form a single whole and are the highlight of the August 20 program.

The St Stephen's Day drone show provides spectacular entertainment and is also a special tribute to Hungary's history and cultural heritage. Every aspect of the event is a celebration of our national pride, making it a fitting end to the series of festivities.

A detailed program of events, as well as information about the performers and their shows are accessible on the official St Stephen's Day website and via telephone app.

Cover photo: Drone show over the Danube and Chain Bridge in Budapest (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)

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