Viktor Orban Thanks Hungarian Olympians + Video

Hungary's prime minister sent a message to the athletes on his social media.

2024. 08. 12. 11:03
Hungary's national men's fencing team celebrates after the 2024 Paris Olympics (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban thanked Hungarian Olympians on his social media site.

Following the closure of the Paris Olympics, PM Orban shared a montage video with his followers, in which he recalled the achievements of Hungarian athletes at the recent Olympics. 

PM Orban also shared a video on his TikTok about the Olympic successes of Hungarian athletes.

The compilation starts with a relevant excerpt from PM Viktor Orban's recent address delivered at the Balvanyos Free Summer University and Student Camp. 

As for the Olympics, after all, every nation has the right to show itself,

– PM Orban stated in his speech, and then delivered this summary at the end of his video:

Well, this is what we saw.

With six golds, seven silvers, and six bronzes, Hungary finished 14th in the medal table at the 2024 Paris Olympics, which was led by the United States with 126 medals. The Hungarian delegation won one medal less than at the previous Olympics in Tokyo, where they secured 15th place on the medals table.

Cover photo: Hungary's national men's fencing team (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)

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