Tisza Admits: Aligning with Manfred Weber’s Position is a Duty

The leader of the Tisza Party’s European Parliament delegation made it absolutely clear in a recent interview that following the position of the European People’s Party (EPP), led by Manfred Weber, is a duty they fully embrace. Zoltan Tarr likened the Tisza Party’s connection to the EPP to a romantic relationship. His boss, Peter Magyar, echoed this sentiment in last Wednesday’s EP debate, where he gave a standing ovation to Ursula von der Leyen after holding a joint press conference with Weber. Following the EPP's policy means supporting the war, backing migration, and promoting LGBTQ propaganda.

2024. 10. 18. 12:49
EPP President Manfred Weber and Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar (Photo: Miklos Teknos)
EPP President Manfred Weber and Tisza Party chief Peter Magyar (Photo: Miklos Teknos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Tisza Party has made it clear that they will follow the European People’s Party’s (EPP) stance, which they view as some type of a duty. 

The above statement come from Zoltan Tarr, the party’s MEP and delegation leader, who recently gave an interview to the Republikon Institute. Tisza Party’s vice president first admitted that “I don’t have a well-defined position on many issues, including domestic politics as well, and that’s no secret…” Then he continued by pointing out that 

“because of this, we do indeed rely on the EPP’s position, which is also soem kind of obligation. Again, this stems from the fact that if we are members of something, then we shouldn’t be constantly questioning the obligations and positions that come with our membership and how we represent them.”

Speaking about the Tisza Party’s role in European politics, he clarified that “there are several issues where we have accepted and will continue to accept the EPP’s position, making these positions our own.”

“Romantic” connection between Tisza and the EP

Tarr Zoltan’s explanation of why the Tisza Party joined the EPP further illustrates how deeply they’ve come under the influence of the European People’s Party. “From the very beginning, we were received with great love and support. It felt like returning to a family after wandering the world for a long time, or like meeting a family through a romantic relationship that then becomes your own,” the MEP said. Mr. Tarr, a close confidant of Peter Magyar, added that from the moment they decided to engage in European politics, it was obvious they should align with, and belong to the EPP.

He also mentioned that recently, the EPP discussed and adopted a defense policy document, to certain points of which the Tisza Party also contributed some proposals. However, Mr. Tarr admitted that “I wouldn’t dare to claim that we could create such a complex document on our own.”

Tisza suggests committee to monitor Hungary

The interview revealed that Peter Magyar’s team proposed the creation of a committee to monitor the implementation of the EU’s media law. According to him, the regulation on European media freedom, adopted during the previous parliamentary cycle, is extremely critical for Hungary, and if the proposed body is established, it will oversee how Hungary implements the EU regulation.

Tisza helped EPP's preparation for last Wednesday’s debate

Mr. Tarr also mentioned that they need to prove themselves, so they are trying to behave: "We’re nice, I think, and even charming, but there’s still a great deal of trust that’s been extended to us in advance." In connection with last Wednesday’s debate in Strasbourg, he also recalled how the European People’s Party is very grateful for all the help they’ve received so far from the Tisza Party in understanding "who Hungary’s prime minister really is."


Expectations: pro-war, pro-migration, and pro-gender policies

The statements uttered in the interview clearly prove that Peter Magyar and the Tisza Party will execute whatever the European People’s Party and its leader, Manfred Weber, demand. It’s no coincidence that, just minutes before PM Orban' speech at the EP session in Strasbourg last Wednesday, Mr. Magyar held a jpint press briefing with Mr. Weber. Later, during the plenary session, Mr. Magyar gave a standing ovation to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who launched a harsh attack on Hungary's prime minister and reaffirmed her support to provide continued financial, military, and political assistance to Ukraine.

So, what does the EPP's policy—led by Manfred Weber—mean for Europe and Hungary, to which Peter Magyar and his party have pledged their loyalty?

As Magyar Nemzet already highlighted, last week’s EP debate made it absolutely clear that EPP politicians represent a pro-war stance. Mr. Weber went so far as to question PM Viktor Orban’s peace mission, claiming it only served to prolong the war. There’s also no doubt that the EPP supports the bloc's misguided migration policies, centered around the ideas of building migrant camps and distributing illegal immigrants among EU member states according to quotas.

As Weber’s agenda also includes the promotion of gender ideology, the Tisza Party is expected to fulfill these expectations as well.

Regarding last week’s session in Strasbourg, PM Orban explained - during his interview with Kossuth Radio last Friday - that Ursula von der Leyen and Manfred Weber had announced their desire to overthrow the Hungarian government, even naming their preferred successors. According to Mr. Orban, a government change in line with the EPP's expectations would result in Hungary having to join the war on Ukraine’s side, support Brussels’ migration policies and promote the LGBTQ propaganda - which would result in the abolishment of Hungary’s child protection laws - and Hungary having to participate in the economic cold war, Mr. Orban said.

Weber: “I voted against all of Hungary”

Manfred Weber has long been harboring resentment toward Hungary, driven by a personal grudge against Prime Minister Orban. In spring 2019, Mr. Weber made a memorable insult to the Hungarian people when he stated that he did not want the votes of Fidesz representatives, even if it meant that he wouldn’t become European Commission President.

And the rest is history. Mr. Weber did not become Commission President and, after the 2019 EP elections, Fidesz supported Ursula von der Leyen for the position. PM Orban recalled this incident during last week’s EP debate, reminding the Bavarian politician that he once supported him but withdrew his backing after Weber had insulted Hungarians.

The EPP chief doesn't simply harbor a conflict with PM Orban personally, as he has clearly expressed his anti-Hungarian sentiments. During a press conference in 2018, responding to a question by Euronews, Mr. Weber underlined: “I voted against all of Hungary with the Article 7 procedure. Not Fidesz, not Viktor Orban, but the entire country.”

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