But Who'll Have Mercy on the Misfortunate Ukrainians?

The US Democrats and their allies in Brussels would sacrifice tens of thousands of young Ukrainians for their own interests.

2024. 12. 11. 16:38
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and US President Joe Biden (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Just as President Joe Biden's days in office are numbered, so too are those of his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. And like Biden, Blinken is determined not to fade away without leaving his mark. While the president fired his most striking salvo by authorizing the use of long-range American missiles against Russia, Blinken has sought his own dramatic flourish, raising the prospect of drafting Ukraine's youth into service

Mr. Blinken raised his controversial suggestion at a two-day meeting of NATO foreign ministers. His reasoning was straightforward: 

 having flooded Ukraine with weapons and money, the US may feel entitled to demand something in return: the sacrifice of the country’s young men aged 18 to 25. Blinken knows full well that Ukraine’s older, battle-ready men are perishing by the hundreds of thousands on the front lines. Yet, that group does not encompass the entire male population—and, more importantly, they are not American. After all, it is a long-standing truth that money takes precedence over human lives.


Naive observers may have expected President Zelensky to vehemently oppose the idea of drafting 18-year-olds and to rebuke the foreign politician callously speculating on his countrymen’s deaths - perhaps as forcefully as he has previously rebuked the Pope. But no. Mr. Zelensky remained silent, and for now, Ukrainian draft officers are only targeting males aged over 25. They're breaking into homes, apprehending men at bus stops, sporting events, or parking lots.

The noble idea of drafting 18-year-olds is disturbingly reminiscent 

of how, toward the end of World War II, the Hitler Youth was deployed to replenish the fighting German forces reeling from catastrophic losses. One branch of the Hitler Youth, known as das Deutsche Jungvolk, conscripted boys as young as 10 to 14, while the more infamous Hitler Youth recruited those aged 14 to 18.

Starting in 1943, the militarized youth group even had its own SS Panzer division. Yet, as history shows, this desperate measure did little to save Hitler; the Nazis still lost the war.

Are US Democrats and their Brussels allies truly so invested in defending Ukraine’s so-called democracy that they would sacrifice tens or hundreds of thousands more lives? Let’s be clear: this war has nothing to do with protecting democracy. International law and the inviolability of borders might make for fine speeches, but everyone knows this conflict is about advancing foreign interests. This war was triggered by the West’s ruthless expansionism and provocations against Russia.

Mr. Blinken is indifferent to the vast toll this senseless ordeal takes on Ukraine’s youngest generation. He's a staunch advocate of escalating the war, and in that, he's a trustworthy partner to President Biden, the Democrats, the Brussels “elite,” and NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte. They argue that peace negotiations must commence from a position of strength. Conveniently, they remain silent about the enormous profits they pocket from arms manufacturing and sales, as well as their efforts to derail Trump’s plans as he prepares to take office.

The Democratic Party’s astonishing maneuvers shed light on the true nature of so-called Western democracy. In the lead-up to the election, the Democrats, aided by the judiciary, exhausted every avenue to block Republican Donald Trump’s candidacy. Although their efforts ultimately failed, the smear campaign they waged through the media has stirred parts of American society into a frenzy. It reached such a fever pitch that a deranged assailant attempted to assassinate Mr. Trump.

During the campaign, mainstream media outlets have frequently published polls favoring Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, creating high expectations among globalists for her victory. But they were disappointed: Mr. Trump, a friend of Hungary's Viktor Orban, emerged victorious.

Mr. Biden and his ideological allies seemingly resigned themselves to defeat, but they still had two and a half months after November 5 to exploit the remaining time to their advantage.

One might assume that the not-yet-fully-senile president would have been satisfied with his decision to send US missiles, a move securing him a place in modern history. But for Mr. Biden, that wasn’t enough: hhe also approved the transfer of banned, insidious landmines to Ukraine. And anyone who thought that this move couldn’t be topped was mistaken. Because it was. 

Mr. Biden, the devoted father, issued a presidential pardon for his 54-year-old son, Hunter. The “kid” certainly needed it after being found guilty by a grand jury of illegal firearm possession and making false statements. However, this case pales in comparison to Mr. Hunter’s $1.4 million tax evasion, which he admitted to as part of a plea deal - although he still faced a potential 17-year prison sentence.

The presidential pardon saved Mr. Hunter’s neck. But who will grant mercy to the unfortunate Ukrainians conscripted and sent to the front lines?

The author is a writer, and journalist 


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