EU Council President Thanks PM Orban for Hungary’s Work During Its EU Presidency

Antonio Costa expressed his gratitude on the social media platform X to Hungary's prime minister and the diplomats who oversaw Hungary's six-month EU Council Presidency ending on December 31. Thank you, Hungary! - he wrote in his message.

2025. 01. 01. 9:25
Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the European Council Summit. (Photo: NurPhoto via AFP/Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto)
Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the European Council Summit. (Photo: NurPhoto via AFP/Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Representing the leaders of EU member states, the European Council's president took to the social media platform X to thank Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and the Hungarian diplomats who oversaw Hungary's six-month EU Council Presidency, which concluded on December 31.

Thank you, Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and the Hungarian presidency’s team, for your work during the six months of your presidency of the Council,

– Mr. Costa stated. In his message, he added:

Thank you, Hungary!

Hungary previously held the presidency of the Council of the European Union once before, during the first half of 2011. In the same post, Mr. Costa welcomed the start of the Polish EU presidency on January 1, expressing his eagerness to "working together" with Polish PM Donald Tusk for a safer and more secure Europe.


Cover Photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the European Council Summit. (Photo: NurPhoto via AFP/Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto)

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