Germany May Follow Hungary's Example

Although German Chancellor Olaf Scholz meant to insult Friedrich Merz by comparing the CDU leader to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, experience suggests that it's actually a compliment", the state secretary for international communication and relations said on Facebook on Wednesday.

2025. 01. 30. 13:43
Zoltan Kovacs, state secretary for international communication and relations (Source: Facebook / Zoltan Kovacs)
Zoltan Kovacs, state secretary for international communication and relations (Source: Facebook / Zoltan Kovacs)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his post, State Secretary Zoltan Kovacs said the outgoing German chancellor compared CDU's leader to Viktor Orban.

Friedrich Merz's "crime" was that he wanted to revise Germany's migration policy, with one of his proposals being deporting those who enter the country illegally, the state secretary stressed, adding that this criticism of Merz came from the leader of a country that's plagued by repeated attacks from perpetrators with a migration background."

Hungary has been punching above its weight for ten years in protecting its own and the European Union's external borders and was penalised for it by Brussels, instead of being shown gratitude, the politician recalled.

He emphasized that stricter measures were expected in Austria, while Sweden - once known for its highly welcoming stance - was also reviewing its regulations. The Netherlands rejected the EU's migration pact, and, not to mention, one of the first actions of the new U.S. president, Donald Trump, was to order the deportation of migrants.

"So, it appears that while Olaf Scholz may have intended his comparison of Friedrich Merz to Viktor Orban as an insult, experience suggests that it's actually a compliment," Mr. Kovacs underlined in his post.

Cover photo: Zoltan Kovacs, state secretary for international communication and relations (Source: Facebook / Zoltan Kovacs)

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