Janos Boka: Let’s Finally Put an End to the Brussels Coup

Janos Boka, Hungary's European Union Affairs minister, delivered sharp criticism of the European Parliament for interfering in the internal affairs of member state governments. According to the politician, Brussels is all too often preoccupied with debates on which governments should be at the helm in Hungary and in Poland, which he says violates national sovereignty.

Forrás: Facebook2025. 01. 23. 10:18
Janos Boka, Hungary's Minister for European Affairs (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The minister slammed the European Parliament in connection with the latest plenary session in Strasbourg. In a video uploaded to his social media page, he shared a segment of a speech by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Poland currently holds the six-month rotating presidency of the EU Council from January.

Reflecting on recent events in Poland, Donald Tusk talked of his "determination in fighting" to remove the right-wing government and “removing these people from power.” Referring to the debate in Strasbourg, he added:

It became clear once again why it is so important that they never again govern any European country.

In response, Janos Boka emphasized,

“Only the citizens of the respective country have the right of deciding the composition of their government, and EU institutions must respect the sovereignty of member states.”

It’s time to finally accept that the composition of the government in Budapest is decided by the Hungarian people, and the government in Warsaw by the Polish people. Let’s put an end to the quiet Brussels coup,

 Janos Boka declared.

The minister stressed that defending EU values cannot be used as a pretext to exert political pressure on member states. According to the politician, the European Parliament has shown little progress since Hungary's EU presidency and continues to unjustifiably interfere in national matters. The Hungarian government’s position remains clear: protecting national sovereignty and maintaining European cooperation are equally crucial, therefore the former must not be subordinated to the latter.

Cover Photo: Janos Boka, Hungary's Minister for European Affairs (Source: Facebook)

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