Migration Pressure Increases at Hungarian Border

Migration pressure at the Hungarian border is once again on the rise, Gyorgy Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief advisor on homeland security, told M1’s Wednesday morning news program.

Forrás: MTI2025. 01. 15. 17:01
Gyorgy Bakondi, the Hungarian prime minister’s chief advisor on homeland security, at a press conference on the current situation of illegal immigration (Photo: MTI)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Gyorgy Bakondi explained that the Hungarian border served as a diversionary force on the Balkan migration route throughout last year, thanks to the activity of Hungarian and Serbian police.

While more illegal migrants arrived at the Greek islands last year, a decline was observed at the Hungarian border, particularly in the second half of the year, as the routes of illegal migrants shifted toward Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, and Italy,

However, he also noted that at the beginning of this year, an increase in migration has been observed at the Hungarian border. While only 49 border violators were apprehended in the first ten days of last year, this number has skyrocketed to 461 in the same period this year.

While in the past, declining arrivals was typical during the winter months, that is not the case now. This is attributable to the increased organization and sophistication of human smugglers, who now have more advanced equipment, significant financial resources, and also manage transportation and accommodation for migrants,

The advisor said, emphasizing that severe incidents such as terrorist attacks, vehicular assaults, and stabbings in Europe have not decreased, and the continued existence of so-called no-go zones instill fear among residents. This situation has not only political consequences—impacting local, regional, and national elections and boosting the rise of patriotic parties—but it is also pushing nation-state governments to implement measures in response to political pressure from their populations to avoid more severe political fallout.

Such measures include reinstating border controls within the EU’s internal borders, strengthening deportation efforts and reducing benefits provided to migrants, 

the expert listed, noting these political shifts are likely to continue this year as well.

Gyorgy Bakondi was also a guest on Kossuth Radio's Wednesday morning program, where he discussed the lack of change in the European Union’s migration policies.

He highlighted a contradiction: while EU leaders emphasize the need for strong external border protection in political statements, they have imposed heavy fines on Hungary for guarding its external borders.

Cover photo: Gyorgy Bakondi, the Hungarian prime minister’s chief advisor on homeland security, at a press conference on the current situation of illegal immigration (Photo: MTI)

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