Trump Now Doing the Same That Hungary's Long Represented

Through his first measures after taking office, Donald Trump is doing exactly what Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government has consistently championed in Hungary. Trump, too, is defending his country's borders from migration.

2025. 01. 25. 16:17
Since July 2015, Hungary has secured its more than 300-kilometer-long border with Serbia by building fences (Photo: AFP / Attila Kisbenedek)
Since July 2015, Hungary has secured its more than 300-kilometer-long border with Serbia by building fences (Photo: AFP / Attila Kisbenedek)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As is known, the European Court of Justice has fined Hungary 200 million euros (about 80 billion forints) for "disrespecting" EU regulations, including those concerning international protection and the procedures for the return of citizens from non-EU countries who are illegally staying in the Union

Az Európai Unió Bírósága Luxemburgban
The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (Photo: Hans Lucas/AFP/Kevin Reitz)

Earlier, constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici Jr. told our newspaper that the ruling issued by the EU's top court punishes Hungary for policies that align with those of Trump.

Brussels is fining us one million euros a day because we defend our borders and don't allow terrorists to enter with the migrants.

Trump also takes a firm stand against migration

Among his first decrees, Trump declared a national emergency at the southern border of the United States. Additional measures were put in place to prevent illegal border crossings, and he declared foreign organized crime groups as terrorist organizations. Furthermore, Trump ended the practice of granting automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. to foreign parents (birthright citizenship).

Az amerikai déli határon
The U.S.-Mexico Border (Photo: Getty Images/AFP)

It was announced that the Pentagon will deploy 1,500 active-duty soldiers to the Mexican border, who will join approximately 2,200 National Guard members and reservists already stationed there. Trump could send up to 10,000 soldiers to the border as part of an order to the Department of Defense, with the goal of "sealing the borders" and "preventing mass illegal migration," according to U.S. media reports.

The European Court's ruling against Hungary effectively denies the country's natural right to defend its sovereignty and borders, which, in turn, denies the rights that the world’s most developed democracies are now implementing with policies similar to those Hungary has been enforcing

Trump is defending the United States' southern border from migrants and declaring migration emergencies. Since the beginning of the migration crisis, Hungary has consistently done the same at its borders.

The United States is deporting illegal migrants. Hungary, however, hasn't even allowed them in.

Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök a Kossuth Rádió stúdiójában
PM Viktor Orban (Photo: Fischer Zoltán/Prime Minister's Press Office)

In his regular radio interview, Prime Minister Viktor Orban emphasized that Donald Trump’s first actions are exactly the same as those already implemented in Hungary.

What President Trump does now is exactly what Brussels is fining us one million euros a day for. It is clear that Brussels is still singing the old tune!


Cover photo: Since July 2015, Hungary has secured its more than 300-kilometer-long border with Serbia by building fences (Photo: AFP/Attila Kisbenedek)


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