Viktor Orban's Migration Policy a Model for Austria

Petra Steger, MEP of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), called the latest migration figures from the European Union's asylum office deceptive. While the number of asylum applications across the continent slightly dropped, it still exceeded one million in 2024, the data reveal. Steger argued that Austria needs to adopt the Hungarian model, as Viktor Orban has demonstrated how to handle illegal migration effectively.

2025. 01. 16. 10:51
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Compared to 2023, 12 percent fewer migrants arrived in the territories of the EU, Norway, and Switzerland last year, but 1,008,000 migrants were still registered, the German newspaper Welt reported recently.

Afrikai származású illegális migránsok, akik Európába akarnak menni. Orbán Viktor migrációs politikája példakép Ausztriában (Fotó: AFP)
Illegal migrants from Africa heading for Europe. Viktor Orban's migration policy serves as a model for Austria (Photo: AFP)

Petra Steger sharply criticized the EU's migration policy on her Instagram account, emphasizing that while the mainstream media, subordinated to the European Commission, hailed the slight decrease in migrant numbers as a success, the figures actually show a catastrophic continuation of illegal mass migration.

The 37-year-old politician made similar remarks on the  FPO's website, stating that the new figures do not indicate a fundamental shift in European migration policy. This statistic is nothing but juggling, she argued, as the number of asylum applications still exceeds the levels recorded during the 2017–2022 period.

She called it a scandal that, while the EU’s migration measures have not led to any noticeable improvement, the reception capacities of Western European countries have long been exhausted.

Petra Steger considers it alarming that Syria remains the leading country of origin for migrants.

The civil war has ended, yet we keep the floodgates open, and there is neither intent nor strategy at the European level to close them or to immediately return migrants,

the Austrian MEP said.

However, the numbers also provide a glimmer of hope, she said, pointing out that Hungary registered only 29 new asylum applications in 2024, making it a unique leader in border security and migration policy. For the FPO politician, this serves as a true model:

Viktor Orban shows how it can be done. Austria needs the Hungarian model,

Petra Steger concluded. 

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)

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