Serbia President: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Are Behind the Protests in Serbia

The Serbian president made grave statements regarding the ongoing wave of protests in Serbia. In a speech held in Trstenik, Aleksandar Vucic claimed that the mass demonstrations organized by students and the opposition are, in fact, attempts by foreign intelligence agencies to destabilize the country.

2025. 02. 01. 13:34
Protests continue in Serbia (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The president emphasized that the problem is not simply that his political opponents want to remove the current head of state but that their goal is to destroy Serbia. “What we have seen in recent months is a direct attempt by foreign intelligence agencies to ruin our country,” Vucic stated.

Alekszandar Vucsics szerb elnök (Fotó: AFP)
Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic (Photo: AFP)

The protests were sparked by a tragedy that occurred on November 1, 2024, in Novi Sad Ujvidek). On that day, the canopy over the local railway station entrance collapsed, burying people underneath. Fifteen people lost their lives in the accident. Since then, student protests have become regular occurrences across Serbia. Today, a larger demonstration is planned in Novi Sad, marking exactly three months since the disaster.

The intensity of the protests has reached such a level that on January 28, Prime Minister Milos Vucevic submitted his resignation.

Vucic did not name specific countries or organizations

Speaking in Trstenik, the Serbian president stated that, “The problem is not that they want to overthrow me or someone else".

The problem is that they want to overthrow Serbia,

the president said.

He stressed that what has been happening in recent months represents direct attempts by foreign intelligence agencies to destroy the country.

There will be no transitional government, no expert government. I guarantee with my life that there will be a Serbian government,

Vucic declared.

From Belgrade to Novi Sad on Foot

Meanwhile, students from Belgrade’s university faculties arrived in Novi Sad last night after walking from the capital to the administrative center of Vojvodina (Vajdasag). Their goal was to support their fellow students in Novi Sad in blocking all three of the city’s bridges, to mark the three-month anniversary of the tragedy.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by thousands of Novi Sad citizens and university students.

Cover Photo: Protests continue in Serbia (Photo: AFP)

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