Hungary FM: Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict Approaches Resolution

In addition to the ongoing war in Ukraine, there are unfortunately many conflicts worldwide, but one of them now seems to be moving toward resolution, Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto stated on his social media page. In his post, Szijjarto was referring to the Armenian-Azeri conflict, which now appears to be shifting toward peace.

Forrás: MTI Facebook2025. 03. 15. 11:35
Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto and Azerbaijan's Foreign Affairs Minister Jeyhun Bayramov (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Peter Szijjarto wrote that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia could come to an end with the peace agreement that was finalized on Friday, according to his Azerbaijani counterpart and friend, Jeyhun Bayramov.

Szijjártó Péter szerint nyugvópont felé közelít a konfliktus
According to FM Peter Szijjarto, the conflict is nearing a resolution. (Photo: Zsolt Szigetvary/ MTI)

FM Szijjarto: Agreement is key step toward peace

While acknowledging that this does not mark the end of the peace process, Szijjarto emphasized that it represents a significant milestone toward restoring a peaceful and stable life for people in the Caucasus region.

Of course, this is not yet the end of the peace process, but it is a very important step toward ensuring that the people of the Caucasus region can regain the possibility of a peaceful and calm life,

he highlighted.

We welcome this development and hope that this agreement will soon be followed by a genuine peace settlement,

Szijjarto concluded.

Cover Photo: Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto and Azerbaijan's Foreign Affairs Minister Jeyhun Bayramov (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

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