Hungary FM: Exposes USAID-Backed Media Lies

Contrary to claims by Telex, the increase in crimes against homosexuals is happening not in Hungary, but in Austria.

Forrás: Facebook2025. 03. 24. 12:16
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, delivers a speech after receiving the title of Honorary Citizen of Dunakeszi at the ceremony commemorating the 177th anniversary of the 1848-1849 Revolution and War of Independence, on March 15, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Peter Lakatos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"I see that the USAID-backed media has started spreading false interpretations of our phone conversation yesterday with my Austrian counterpart," Hungary's Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Szijjarto posted on social media.

Peter Szijjarto, addressed the issue in a social media post, stating:

The truth is as follows: The Austrian Foreign Minister did indeed speak to me about the increasingly violent crimes against homosexuals, BUT NOT IN HUNGARY—IN AUSTRIA. He also spoke about the dangers posed by radical Islamists to the LGBTQ community IN AUSTRIA, NOT IN HUNGARY.

The Hungarian minister emphasized that his Austrian counterpart described two major public security threats existing in Austria, to which he responded by assuring him that such incidents have not occurred and will not occur in Hungary, unlike in Austria.

Despite this fact, Telex falsely reported that violence against homosexuals is rising in Hungary.

Cover photo: Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, delivers a speech after receiving the title of Honorary Citizen of Dunakeszi at the ceremony commemorating the 177th anniversary of the 1848-1849 Revolution and War of Independence, on March 15, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Peter Lakatos)

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