Hungary FM Speaks Out on Peace Talks

Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto, currently holding talks in Vietnam, emphasized: "We stand for peace."

Forrás: Facebook2025. 03. 19. 10:38
Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto at the Budapest Balkans Forum, March 13, 2025. (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

FM Szijjarto noted in a social media post that Vietnam follows a foreign policy strategy similar to Hungary's: they also stand for peace and, thanks to their balanced approach, they maintain good relations with all major global political actors.

The Hungarian minister highlighted:

This year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries, and the results of our cooperation—based on mutual respect—are clear. Hungarian companies continue to expand their market presence in pharmaceuticals, the food industry, and medical equipment, while our defense industry cooperation is also growing.

Szijjarto also mentioned his successful negotiations with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, discussing further bilateral cooperation opportunities.

Cover photo: Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto at the Budapest Balkans Forum, March 13, 2025.
(Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)

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