PM Orban: Villages Should Be Built Up, Not Torn Down

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced several support programs available for villages.

2025. 03. 27. 9:38
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban ( Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Today’s government meeting was almost entirely about villages," Viktor Orban stated after the session.

He emphasized that villages are not a thing of the past but the future, and 2025 will be a breakthrough year for rural areas. According to the announcement, the government will provide support to small village shops and pubs of up to 3 million forints (about 7500 euros) per outlet in settlements of fewer than 2,000 inhabitants.

Additionally, PM Orban announced the requirement for at least one ATM per village and the launch of a church renovation program.

Villages should not be dismantled but built up—this is what we worked on today,

he declared, indicating that details of the initiative will be provided at tomorrow’s Government Info briefing.

Cover photo: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban ( Source: Facebook)


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