Pro-War Stance Continues to Prevail in Brussels

At today’s meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, a financial aid package of at least 20 billion euros is being prepared for Ukraine, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto posted on social media.

2025. 03. 17. 15:39
Budapest, 2025. március 13.
Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter a Budapest Balkans Forumon tartott pódiumbeszélgetésen Budapesten 2025. március 13-án.
MTI/Illyés Tibor
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto speaking at a panel discussion during the Budapest Balkans Forum in Budapest on March 13, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes).
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade drew attention to Brussels’ latest pro-war plans in a post on Facebook. Peter Szijjarto noted:

We will not let ourselves be dragged into this. We will not allow Hungarian taxpayers' money to be used to finance arms deliveries to Ukraine. Instead, we support peace negotiations.

The minister underlined: 

Thanks to President Trump, the hope for peace has never been as close in the past three years as it is now. Therefore, Brussels’ intention to obstruct peace talks is unacceptable.

Cover photo: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto speaking at a panel discussion during the Budapest Balkans Forum in Budapest on March 13, 2025 (Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyes)

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