That Tone Doesn't Work with Trump, Expert Says

For years, Volodymyr Zelensky has spoken to everyone in a commanding tone, and European leaders have accepted it so far. However, that tone does not work with Donald Trump, Tamas Magyarics, professor emeritus at Budapest's Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE), told Magyar Nemzet in an interview, commenting on the scandalous meeting between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky. The former Hungarian ambassador to Dublin also discussed what could happen next and the diplomatic message conveyed by the heated debate that erupted under the scrutiny of the media.

2025. 03. 02. 16:10
Donald Trump amerikai elnök és Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök a Fehér Házban 2025. február 28-án Forrás: AFP
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had originally met in Washington to discuss an agreement regarding Ukraine's mineral resources. However, the meeting ended in a heated arguement. Trump publicly rebuked Zelensky, stating that the Ukrainian president was playing with the risk of World War III and that his forcibly conscripted soldiers were marching toward certain death. As a result, the agreement was not signed, the planned post-meeting, joint press conference was canceled, and Zelensky left the White House.

Zelensky and Trump clashed openly at the White House on February 28 during a meeting to sign an agreement on Ukraine's mineral resources and to discuss a peace deal with Russia (Photo: AFP/Saul Loeb)

Following the incident, Zelensky put out a post on social media and gave an interview to Fox News, in which he somewhat toned down his previous remarks and behavior. However, American reactions suggest that many disagree with him, and pressure on the Ukrainian president is mounting.

the professor emeritus at ELTE said.

The situation may not be as catastrophic as it seems, but it does look quite grim right now,

Tamas Magyarics told Magyar Nemzet.

Tamas Magyarics (Photo: National University of Public Service)

However, this is not just about two individuals—there are significant Ukrainian and American interests at stake.

The situation looks ugly now, but we already knew that the relationship between the two leaders was not the best. Clearly, it will be harder to take a step back after this. But if we look at the U.S. side alone, they have strategic interests in Ukraine, ranging from access to rare earth minerals to containing and weakening Russia on a global scale,

the historian and former ambassador added, emphasizing that a public diplomatic confrontation of this nature is quite unusual.

Donald Trump (C) amerikai elnök és J. D. Vance alelnök találkozik Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnökkel a Fehér Ház Ovális Irodájában 2025. február 28-án Washingtonban (Fotó: Getty Images/AFP/Andrew Harnik)

Behind closed doors, tempers may flare, but in public this is not common practice in diplomacy. Neither Trump nor Zelensky embodies the refined diplomacy we are accustomed to. However, Trump is right on this: Zelensky has been speaking in an imperative tone for years. And while European leaders accepted this, it doesn’t work with Donald Trump,

Magyarics stressed.

According to the expert, even clothing choices matter in diplomacy, and Zelensky's attire sends a strong message.

Trump is a rather orthodox politician, while Zelensky has consciously played on this since the war began by wearing military-style attire instead of more formal suits. 

There have been far more serious wars fought by far more serious leaders, and Churchill or Roosevelt never wore military-style clothing to international negotiations,

Magyarics pointed out. Trump also made a remark about Zelensky's outfit. When receiving the Ukrainian president at the White House, Trump jokingly noted that for once, he was "properly dressed " as opposed to the Ukrainian president's  previous casual attire.


There's a Way Back to Talks, But Ukraine Is in a Weaker Position

Despite the confrontation, Washington still has significant interests in cooperating with Ukraine. Beyond rare earth minerals, major American corporations hold numerous Ukrainian assets and business interests. Investment firms like BlackRock are also preparing to take part in Ukraine's post-war reconstruction, a business opportunity worth 500-600 billion dollars. Defense contractors also stand to gain significantly from Ukraine’s situation. These factors cannot be ignored,

Tamas Magyarics concluded.


Cover photo: U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office of the White House, February 28, 2025 (Photo: AFP/Saul Loeb)

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