Következő mérkőzések
18:002024. június 26.
18:002024. június 26.

Hungary's pro-war Left finally exposed

In exchange for dollars the Left - from the mayor of Budapest to former opposition frontrunner Peter Marki-Zay and ex-PM Gyurcsany - would have even taken our country to war.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 06. 27. 11:38
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The National Information Center has published new details regarding the most serious funding scandal of Hungary's political history, confirming previous suspicions that the Hungarian left wing was indeed bought with greenbacks rolling in,

– the Center for Fundamental Rights highlighted in its latest Facebook post, asserting that in exchange for the dollars, Hungary1s pro-war left - from Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony to former opposition frontrunner Peter Marki-Zay and leftist ex-PM Ferenc Gyurcsany - would have been willing to take our country to war.

The think tank pointed out, that

the Democratic elite overseas - led by non other than George Soros - had direct ownership influence over DatAdat, the company in charge of the Hungarian left's election campaign, so they not only gave orders to ex-PM Gyurcsany and his circles to represent pro-war interests, but they also kept them on a rather short leash, as they had insights into every minute detail of the election preparations.

The think tank also indicated that the report published by the National Information Center had exposed Budapest's leftist mayor Gergely Karacsony and his movement as active cogwheels in the cycle of rolling dollars. The 99 Movement spearheaded by Mr Karacsony transferred nearly HUF 620 million to DatAdat, which is linked to (former leftist Hungarian PM) Gordon Bajnai and other members of the Gyurcsany cabinet. This goes to show that Mr Karacsony's foreboding comment - that Hungary is at war with Russia - is no coincidence, the think tank says. 

Source of cover photo: Facebook / Center for Fundamental Rights (Alapjogokert Kozpont)

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