In the program, they recalled that a Syrian migrant recently attacked nursery school children in France with a knife, moreover, on the very day when the Council of Home Affairs Ministers voted in Brussels for adopting the proposed mandatory migrant quota.
They want to force us to become an immigrant country, says security adviser
They want to turn Hungary into an immigrant country by force, Gyorgy Bakondi, the prime minister's chief adviser on internal security, said on M1 Hungarian public television Saturday evening.
The Hungarian prime minister's chief adviser on internal security recalled that many terrorist acts have occurred in Europe since the migration crisis of 2015, particularly in France.
Gyorgy Bakondi pointed out that people who come to Europe illegally through organized criminal activity pose a national security threat, as there is no data on them, their identity is unknown, and if they have not previously been caught by the police or secret services, they can easily enter Europe.
Regarding the latest specific French case, the chief adviser noted that much of the information is yet unknown. What is known is that the attacker's asylum application was accepted in Sweden, he then traveled to France, where he was rejected, yet was still able to remain in the country. According to Mr Bakondi, the shocking case clearly indicates that illegal immigration poses a threat to law enforcement, national security, and public health and well being.
The chief adviser said that since 2015, the Hungarian government has emphasized that illegal entry must be stopped. He explained that illegal immigrants can only be filtered out if the screening process takes place at the external border. There are clearly illegal immigrants who want to enter Europe, disregarding the laws and the border protection forces, while claiming that they are refugees, said Mr Bakondi.
Anyone who comes from a safe country, but commits a violent act or masks their identity, is not entitled to enter the external borders of Europe, the chief adviser stated. He emphasized that Hungary was left high and dry in the financing of border protection, and in fact, infringement procedures were initiated against the country while it was performing its duty of protecting the Schengen borders.
Mr Bakondi explained that actual refugees are to receive protection and care in the first safe country in compliance with the relevant UN asylum conventions. As an example he pointed out that refugees from neighboring Ukraine are being taken in and cared for by Hungary.
The chief adviser criticized the EU interior ministers' council meeting in Brussels, where the draft law of the mechanism stating how immigrants are to be distributed among the EU's member states was accepted by a simple majority vote. He warned that with the adoption of the Brussels decision, illegal immigrants can be relocated to a designated country, and that this country will be responsible for taking all the associated risks and for supporting these immigrants.
According to the chief adviser, it is clear that they want to bypass the European Council (EC), where a unanimous decision of EU member state leaders is required. He believed that this was why the issue was brought before the Home Affairs Council, where the larger countries could decide without any real debate, as the relevant information and materials were distributed to ministers twenty minutes before the vote.
They want to force Hungary to become an immigrant country, he emphasized, adding that there have been several attempts to do this since 2015, but the Hungarian people have always rejected this.
The security advisor said that the reimbursement of the 690 billion forints (over 1.8 billion euros) spent by Hungary on border protection was not even discussed at the meeting.
He emphasized that Hungary will do everything to protect the will expressed by the Hungarian people on several occasions, and that the government will represent this position in all forums to stop the implementation of the decision.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: Gyorgy Bakondi (Photo: MTI/ Szilard Koszticsak )
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