Russian tourists head to Asia, instead of Europe

Last year, the EU lost around $23 billion in tourism revenue due to a lack of Russian tourists.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 07. 13. 11:56
Az orosz közép-osztály nem jön, de a leggazdagabbak a vízum, és utazási nehézségek ellenére is ellátogat Európába. (Fotó: CHAUDHRY IMRAN / Twitter)
Illusztráció. Az orosz közép-osztály nem jön, de a leggazdagabbak a vízum, és utazási nehézségek ellenére is ellátogat Európába. (Fotó: CHAUDHRY IMRAN / Twitter)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

While Europe is being flooded with American tourists, with 55 percent more overseas tourists coming to the old continent this summer than last year, the number of Russian tourists is diminishing in Europe, according to an analysis by insurance and financial services provider Allianz.

According to the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), there were 84 percent fewer tourists in Europe last year than before the war, and estimates are that this year will be no different.

Although the European Union does not apply a general ban on issuing Schengen visas to Russian citizens, the fast-track visa issuing system has been suspended and the visa fee has been raised to €80. However, several member states - mostly from the Baltic, and those in northern and eastern Europe - have implemented more stringent measures at their own discretion.


The Czech Republic, Denmark and Finland have suspended all Russian visas - the latter also restricts transit. In contrast, Belgium, the Netherlands and Romania have only suspended short-stay visas, while Germany, Malta and Slovenia have suspended certain types of visas.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland have introduced the strictest measures: since September last year, they are restricting the entry of Russian citizens holding Schengen visas issued by any country.

With some exceptions Estonia, on its own authority, exempted students studying there from the ban, but Poland has decided to ban Russian students from its territory.

Slovakia and the United Kingdom have made the entry requirements even more difficult. The former makes it conditional on an official invitation (sponsor), the latter on medical examinations and English language skills. In the meantime, Spain suspended the issuing of business visas.

Contrary to many other countries, Bulgaria has lifted its previous visa ban, rather than tightening it.

So basically, Russian tourists could be coming to the EU, but the difficulties in many places,such as airfares that are three to five times more expensive now (costing around €1,000) and the increase in travel time - from just a few hours to 8-24 hours - mean that many prefer to go elsewhere.

However, according to Euronews, the richest continue to visit the region, while middle-class Russians have all but disappeared, citing a growing number of logistical difficulties and rising costs.

How many Russian tourists did Europe lose?

According to a 2019 survey conducted by the independent Russian Levada Center, around 16 million Russian tourists arrived in Europe, the majority of them in Finland, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain. This dovetails with ATOR's data, which suggests that last year the EU missed out on around 13.5 million Russian tourists.

According to Russian tourism information, the average Russian tourist spends $1,676 per person on a holiday abroad. By comparison, a European spends $1,174, and a Chinese tourist typically spends $2,988.

Last year, the EU lost around $23 billion in tourism revenue, due to a lack of Russian tourists.

As ATOR's analysis also points out, this year is likely to be no different. ATOR recommends domestic tourism, Turkey, the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain as the most attractive destinations for Russians. If it must recommend some European destinations, Italy, Greece and Cyprus will come out on top.

Cover photo: Illustration. The Russian middle class is not coming, but the richest are visiting Europe despite visa and travel difficulties (Source: Chaudhry Imran/Twitter)

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