As Magyar Nemzet wrote earlier, our newspaper has received a letter from the US Embassy in Budapest in response to our article on travel restrictions for Hungarian citizens to the US. They objected to Magyar Nemzet's use of the term "visa sanctions" in the title. The embassy, they wrote, "respectfully informs us" that "visa sanctions" is an inaccurate term and suggested a different wording.
Diplomatic mission is not tasked with criticizing media outlets of host country
Respecting the freedom of press is the duty of all diplomats accredited to Hungary, said Rajmund Kiss, Head of the Center for Diplomatic Studies at the Mattchias Corvinus Collegium (MCC).
"It is not the role of a diplomatic mission to criticise and control independent media in the host country", Rajmund Kiss, head of the Center for Diplomatic Studies at Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), told our newspaper.
He added that respecting press freedom is the duty of all diplomats accredited to Hungary. Of course they can ask the press to correct factual inaccuracies, they can express their opinion, but if they want to express their political or ideological disagreement with the press, this may not be the most appropriate or common form in diplomacy.
A few months ago, the US ambassador was concerned about the freedom of the Hungarian press. Who would have thought that he would take the unprecedented step of telling a journalist how to express himself in an article?
he asked.
Rajmund Kiss said that Hungary was an important economic and defense ally of the United States, adding that "such events are not worthy of our ally."
US Ambassador David Pressman. Photo by Laszlo Laufer/Dunantuli Naplo
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Tovább az összes cikkhezHungarian EU Presidency: Politics and Culture Go Hand in Hand
During the Hungarian presidency, numerous cultural events and exhibitions were held.
Fear Reigns in Magdeburg – A Local Hungarian Woman Speaks Exclusively to Our Newspaper
A Hungarian woman living in Magdeburg made a shocking statement to Magyar Nemzet following the terrorist attack.
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The world's power structure is going through a dramatic transformation.
Incompetent Fools
Well, what we feared has happened: the terror that we now dread every Christmas, every Easter, and every weekday, has struck once again - this time, in Germany.