Following the recent interview of Viktor Orban by world-renowned American right-wing opinion leader Tucker Carlson, another influential figure has emerged to interview Hungary's prime minister.
Another star commentator wants interview with PM Orban + video
Tucker Carlson is not the only one who expressed interest at the Carmelite monastery, the PM's political director recently pointed out on his Facebook page.

Michael Knowles recently spoke on his show about how much he envied Carlson for being able to interview Mr Orban.
He said that he admires Viktor Orban, whom he considers seriously intelligent and highly educated.
He's a guy in the rough and tumble of politics, but takes very seriously these broad historical and philosophical questions and simplifies them,
Mr Knowles said of the Hungarian premier and encouraged his followers to watch the interview Tucker Carlson made, which has already been viewed by more than 120 million people.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives interview to US media personality Tucker Carlson (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko )
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