This could Happen to Europe if Hamas Wins

After destroying Israel, the Hamas terror group would target the rest of the world, says Israeli Ambassador to Hungary Yacov Hadas-Handelsman.

2023. 11. 01. 17:21
Netivot, 2023. október 31. A Gázai övezetet irányító Hamász palesztin iszlamista szervezet október 7-én Izrael ellenindított többfrontos támadásakor megsemmisült több száz autó roncsa a dél-izraeli Netivot környékén 2023. október 31-én. A roncsokat a Gázai övezet határtérségébõl gyûjtötték össze. MTI/EPA/Abir Szultan Fotó: Abir Szultan
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Most of the protesters are Arabs, Palestinians, Muslims with a migrant background, who exploit the democratic values of our society to promote anti-democratic views and question a people's right to life, citing the freedom of expression. This is unacceptable, said Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel's Ambassador to Budapest, at a panel discussion held at the opening ceremony of the academic year and the inauguration of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium's training centre in Veszprem. He stressed that no one should think that this is only Israel's fight: terrorists would start by destroying Israel, but then target the rest of the world, because that is how they understand the prophecy, Mandiner reports.

They don't want to adapt to the civilization of the Western world,  bringing it under threat. It is shocking that we are talking about Germany when we say that there are self-organized sharia police patrolling on the streets, punishing anyone who does not live or behave according to the rules of Islam. This is a consequence of migration,

he said. He highlighted that after all political infighting, his country is more united than ever, pointing out that 

even Orthodox Jews who have so far stayed away from the military are expecting to be drafted.

The goal is clear: destroying Hamas and freeing the hostages, including a nine-month-old and a 84-year-old Israeli captive. The ambassador would not even call the terrorists who killed innocent people with barbaric methods on October 7 animals. Moreover, most of the victims were not Jews, but Asian or Israeli Arabs working in the country, and the terrorists also slaughtered animals indiscriminately.

 Gladden Pappin, president of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs recalled that it was shocking to see crowds in European cities celebrating the horrific acts committed by Hamas and pointed out that

the fact that this has not happened in Budapest is one result of Hungary's migration policy.

He highlighted the Hungarian government's stance, underlining that Hungary immediately condemned terrorist violence, stated that Israel has the right to self-defense, and banned pro-terror demonstrations. Europe is faced with the serious threat that not only civilians but also terrorists are fleeing Gaza and they could reach the continent with time, he noted.

The head of the institute also pointed out that the military support for Israel and Ukraine is becoming an increasingly complex issue in the United States, as the conflict in Ukraine has not unfolded as planned - beginning to resemble the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan - while the US cannot keep up with the demands for military equipment.

Cover photo: The wreckage of hundreds of cars in the Netivot area of southern Israel on Oktober 31, 2023. The vehicles were destroyed on October 7, 2023 during attacks on Israel by Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist organization that controls the Gaza Strip. The wrecks were collected from the border region of the Gaza Strip (Photo: MTI/EPA/Abir Sultan)


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