Russian State Duma Speaker: Third World War Is Imminent

Foreign leaders are supporting the Ukrainian authorities' policy of genocide and terrorism, the chairman says.

2024. 01. 27. 11:12
LAVROV, Szergej
Moszkva, 2022. október 3. Az Állami Duma által közreadott képen Szergej Lavrov orosz külügyminiszter az orosz parlamenti alsóház, az Állami Duma 2022. október 3-i ülésén beszél Moszkvában. Ezen a napon az alsóház ratifikálta az orosz ellenõrzés alá került négy ukrajnai régió Oroszországhoz csatlakozásáról szóló szerzõdéseket. MTI/EPA/Az Állami Duma sajtószolgálata Fotó: -
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to Vyacheslav Volodin, Western leaders are supporting the policy of genocide and terrorism pursued by the Ukrainian authorities, summarized in a report. 80 years ago Leningrad was liberated from the fascist blockade, but now "Nazism has reared its head again", State Duma Chairman Volodin noted in a Telegram message commemorating the historic event.

He stated that for NATO, fascist ideology is becoming the norm and could lead to a new world war.

This is a dangerous path that could lead to a new world war. It is crucial that we do all we can to prevent this from happening,

he wrote.

In early January, the chairman of NATO's Military Committee, Rob Bauer, said that the conflict in Ukraine had reached a stalemate, the portal recalls. At the same time, the Committee chairman noted that the Alliance was ready to continue supporting Kyiv. Bauer also urged people to be prepared for unexpected crises.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov speaks during a session of the State Duma, the Lower House of the Russian Federal Assembly, in Moscow on October 3, 2022. On that day, the Duma ratified the treaties on the accession of  the four Ukrainian regions under Russian control to the Federation  (photo: MTI/EPA/Press Service of the State Duma)

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