Donald Trump: PM Orban Is A Tough, Smart Man

I respect Viktor Orban, who is a tough and smart man, former US President Donald Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. In his speech, Trump also emphasized that there is a political witch-hunt against him because the Democrats are afraid of his victory.

2024. 02. 25. 12:47
National Harbor, 2024. február 22. Látogatók nézik a Republikánus Párt elnökjelöltségére pályázó Donald Trump volt amerikai elnök kampánybuszát a Konzervatív Politikai Akció Konferencián (CPAC) a Maryland állambeli National Harborban 2024. február 22-én. A konferenciát évenként megrendezi az Amerikai Konzervatív Unió befolyásos republikánus, konzervatív politikusok és értelmiségiek részvételével. MTI/EPA/Shawn Thew Fotó: Shawn Thew
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– „Viktor Orban is somebody I respect greatly. A lot of people respect him. He’s a smart guy, a tough guy” – former US President Donald Trump told the CPAC forum in National Harbor, Maryland.

The Republican politician recalled PM Orban’s remarks at his recent state of the nation speech, in which Mr Orban said 

we’d like Donald Trump to return as President of the United States, and make peace on the eastern side of Europe.


Citing PM Orban’s recent assessment speech, Donald Trump also emphasized that, although he does not want be be feared, China and Russia were both afraid of him, and there was peace during his presidency. 

We had things at a level that nobody's ever seen before. We had no wars, we had defeated ISIS. They were the worst terrorists in the world, but we solely defeated them, one hundred percent,

– Mr Trump said.

The former US President also underlined that there is a political witch-hunt against him, because the Democrats led by President Joe Biden are afraid that the voters have lost trust in the government. 

My only sin was that I defended my country,

– he said, alluding to a series of lawsuits already underway that are designed to stop him from running at November’s presidential race. 

Mr Trump likened November's presidential elections to judgment day, and he outlined what people can expect if Joe Biden remains the president, and what they can anticipate if he will secure victory. 

For hard-working Americans, November 5 will be our new liberation day, but for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and impostors who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day. When we win, the curtain closes on their corrupt reign and the sun rises on a bright new future for America,

– said the former President. Mr Trump described himself as a proud political dissident, just a few days after he drew a comparison between himself and Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s biggest political rival, who died recently in jail. 

Mr Trump also pointed out that if mass illegal migration is not stopped, the country’s social and educational system will collapse. He added that criminal gangs are invading big cities.

This is what’s at stake at the election: our country is being destroyed, and the only thing standing between you and destruction is me,

–  said the former president, who said that gang crime in Chicago and the migration crisis in New York could be solved in one day.

A vote for Trump is your ticket back to freedom. It's your passport out of tyranny, it's your only escape from Joe Biden and his gang's fast track to hell. And in many ways, we're living in hell right now,

– he emphasized. Mr Trump spoke at this year’s CPAC forum as voters headed to the polls in South Carolina. The former president is expected to defeat his last remaining Republican primary rival, Nikki Haley, in the state where he served two terms as governor. While Ms Haley has vowed to stay in the race until next month's "super Tuesday", when more than a dozen states will vote, Mr Trump hopes to reach the delegate threshold to win the nomination in March.

Cover photo: Visitors watch former US President Donald Trump's campaign bus at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. (Photo: MTI/EPA/Shawn Thew)

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