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PM Orban: The Rules Must Guarantee That This Never Reoccurs

There was only one way to decide the clemency issue, and that was to reject it. Hungary has zero tolerance in cases related to child protection.

2024. 02. 26. 14:34
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– We have a busy day ahead. Today, we will accept the resignation of the President of the Republic, elect a new President and vote in favor of Sweden's NATO accession, PM Orban told parliament ahead of its regular agenda. On the first day of parliament's spring session, Mr Orban underscored Hungary's zero-tolerance stance on issues related to child protection.

– Offenders must be punished and the sentences must be served. There is no clemency, he declared. Emphasizing the need for legislation to guarantee the prevention of such incidents in the future, Mr Orban stressed the importance of reviewing and tightening the existing laws.

– The crimes committed at the Bicske Children's Home raise serious concerns. I have ordered an inspection, which will apply to the heads of all child protection institutions. "We will screen everyone," PM Orban announced. He emphasized that as crimes against children evoke strong emotions, the authorities are expected to conduct the most thorough investigations, and rightly so. 

– Hungary is a strong and stable country. It must elect a new head of state without causing even a temporary disruption in the life of the nation. The way to achieve this is by promptly electing a new president," stated Mr Orban. Candidate, Tamas Sulyok serves as the President of the Constitutional Court, he said. He is a person of extensive experience, respected knowledge and undisputed authority, the president of the type that Hungary needs right now, PM Orban said.


MPs will approve Sweden's NATO accession

PM Orban emphasized Hungary's support for Sweden's accession to NATO. He highlighted the importance of resolving disputes before allowing a new member into the alliance. He mentioned external attempts to intervene in Hungary's disputes with Sweden, emphasizing that Hungary won't be dictated to from outside.

He said the visit of the Swedish PM on Friday successfully contributed to building respectful relations between the two countries. There will continue to be differences of opinion, but we will look at them with understanding, as befits serious nations. He emphasized that the agreements just concluded will strengthen the security of both countries.

– Hungary's air defense and air attack capabilities are ensured by Swedish-made fighter aircraft. The previous contract will be extended and four new fighter jets will be purchased, enabling the Hungarian Air Force to carry out NATO missions in the country with fighter jets in our own fleet," Mr Orban said.

PM Orban said cooperation with Sweden in the field of research and development would also commence. "I call on the MPs to vote in favor of Sweden's accession to NATO," he added.

He recalled the Russia-Ukraine war broke out two years ago and the scale of the destruction was incomprehensible. He said Hungary was providing the largest humanitarian aid in its history to Ukraine. - There is no military solution to this conflict, and the war must end, PM Orban underlined. We do not want to live in the neighborhood of a protracted war, he said, stressing that that they will work towards a ceasefire and peace.

– I wish you all the success for the work required in the parliamentary session ahead, Mr Orban said.


Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban speaks at parliament's plenary session  ahead of its regular agenda (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)


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