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15:002024. június 17.
18:002024. június 17.

Hungary DM: War Sneaking Into Our Daily Lives Subtly, But Increasingly Openly

A joint exhibition of the Military History Institute and Museum and the King Saint Stephen Museum, entitled "Military Display - Memories of Centuries of Hungarian Military History", has opened its doors in the central Hungarian city of Szekesfehervar. At the opening ceremony, Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky emnphasized that Hungary will stay out of the war.

2024. 05. 25. 13:51
Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the opening of the exhibition "Military Display - Memories of Centuries of Hungarian Military History" at the King St. Stephen Museum in Szekesfehervar, on May 24, 2024. (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Unfortunately, we cannot rule out the scenario that weapons could once again take over in Europe. In order to avoid this, we need strength," the defense minister was quoted by Hungary's state news agency (MTI) as saying at the opening of the temporary exhibition called "Military Display - Memories of Centuries of Hungarian Military History" in Szekesfehervar on Friday.

War is sneaking into our everyday lives and into the largest defense alliance, NATO, which has several EU members, in a subtle but increasingly open way,

– DM Szalay-Bobrovniczky emphasized in his speech on the occasion of the opening of a joint exhibition by the HM Military History Institute and Museum and the King Saint Stephen Museum. The leaders of these EU countries are making repeated comments about the possibility that either they or NATO should play some type of role in the bloody war that has been raging in our neighborhood for two years now, he said. He underlined that

 Hungary will stay out of this.


Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar 

Regarding the exhibition, the minister underscored that it highlights the greatness of Hungary's military, gives strength, faith and perseverance to today's soldiers and Hungarian society to love its most glorious and most proud sons, the Hungarian soldiers.

The exhibition features the greatest treasures of the Hungary's military defense, its most precious relics and heroes, 

– Mr Szalay-Bobrovniczky stressed.

The hussar is the uniformed archetype of Hungary's national character, DM Szalay-Bobrovniczky said. "First there was the Hungarian, then the hussar, or vice versa—one can argue—but the two are very intertwined. This light cavalry fighting style, this type of clever and brave, but not reckless, determined and agile, thinking soldier may best manifest itself in the hussars, demonstrating what a small country with no iron and ore can do if it uses its ingenuity and talent," he said.

The exhibition brings to life the illustrious career of Count Andras Hadik, the exploits of Jozsef Simonyi, Colonel Hussar Simonyi, and General Sandor Szurmay, as well as the personal items and small and large memorabilia of Janos Damjanich, Erno Poeltenberg, Karoly Leiningen-Westerburg, Aristid Dessewffy, and Jozsef Schweidel," Mr. Szalay-Bobrovniczky said.

Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar 

Szekesfehervar Mayor Andras Cser-Palkovics (Fidesz) described the collection as fantastic, saying it will be on display next year in his city which - as a military city - is proud of its warfare traditions, assuming both the duty and responsibility of defending the homeland. The mayor pointed out that the memorabilia and objects on display all "demonstrate history", with many tools, stories, photographs and flags bearing witness to a great deal of suffering, and also unvelining soldiers' heroism.

Thus, it is important that as many young people as possible should see the exhibition, so that they can develop a sense of patriotism and commitment to the nation,

– the mayor stressed.

With more than a thousand artefacts, a spectacular timeline and a wide range of digital content, the 18 chambers of the St. King Stephen Museum offer a glimpse into the past centuries of Hungarian military history, from the fight against the Ottoman rule to the armaments of today's military forces

Cover photo: Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

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