"On the issue of conscription, first off, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder has said that a master plan is needed to restore conscription in Germany. And two, Manfred Weber, the president of the European People's Party (EEP), a pro-war party, has already talked about the European dimension. How can this be possible in a pan-European dimension?" Tamas Menczer, Hungary's governing Fidesz-Christian Democrat (Fidesz-KDNP) coalition communications chief recalled on Hir TV.
One Issue Is Conscription, Another Is the Nuclear Bomb, Communications Chief Says + Video
"We don't want to hear about nuclear bombs or about sending troops," Fidesz-Christian Democrats Communications Director Tamas Menczer said.

He also noted that if you add to this the fact that President Macron and Joe Biden's House Minority chief, in other words the US Democrats, are already saying that if the Russians break through the front, you have to go in with troops, "then the picture adds up:
Conscription, mandatory military service and sending soldiers to Ukraine".
According to Tamas Menczer, the other issue is the nuclear bomb.
While the French president said that they are 1500 kilometers away, we happen to be right next door. So we don't want to hear about a nuclear bomb or the sending of troops, and that's why we say that - as you have pointed out - the stakes of the September 9th elections are war or peace, and it is only with the support of the Hungarian people that we can maintain our pro-peace position,
the Fidesz-KDNP communications chief stated.
Cover photo: Fidesz-Christian Democrats Communications Director Tamas Menczer (Photo: Zoltan Mathe)
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