Those Rejecting Immigration and War Are Punished and Blackmailed + Video

According to Fidesz's communications chief, Tamas Menczer, we cannnot afford to lean back because the pressure from pro-war activists is not decreasing, but constantly increasing.

2024. 06. 20. 11:19
Menczer Tamás, a Fidesz kommunikációs igazgatója Fotó: Facebook / Menczer Tamás
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– For now, we've managed to defend Hungary's peace but the fight will continue, the governing parties' communications director stated in a new video he shared on social media. Tamas Menczer recalled that the Hungarian people had made a clear decision in the elections: they want peace.

Accordingly, PM Viktor Orban has ensured that Hungary will not participate in NATO's Ukraine mission,

– Mr Menczer underlined, adding that Hungary won't have to participate in NATO's Ukraine mission with either money or soldiers, and no military events can take place on the territory of Hungary. This, he said, was guaranteed both by NATO's current  Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and the new candidate, Mark Rutte.

All this is crucial because Hungary is close to the war and anyone who participates in NATO's mission in Ukraine could easily become a target of a Russian military attack,

– Fidesz's communications director stressed.

Tamas Menczer emphasized that although Hungary will not take part in NATO's Ukraine mission, we cannot afford to lean back, because the pressure from the pro-war forces is not decreasing, on the contrary, it is constantly increasing. The reason is because Hungary said "no" to the war and also to immigration," he said.

He underscored that anyone who says "no" to immigration and war is being punished and blackmailed. - But we will continue to do everything we can to protect Hungary's peace, and we will also do everything in our power to ensure that any blackmail coming from Brussels should cause more hurt to them, eventually.

Cover photo: Fidesz's Communications Director, Tamas Menczer (Source: Facebook)

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