PM Orban's New EP Group Could Bring Big Changes

The issue of illegal migration will be kept on the agenda throughout the Hungarian EU presidency, the PM's chief homeland security advisor says.

Forrás: MTI2024. 07. 14. 11:26
The Hungarian prime minister's Chief Homeland Security Advisor Gyorgy Bakondi (Photo: MTI/Lajos Soos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"In the European Parliament elections the people of Europe expressed that they do not want illegal immigrants, that they want to live in safety, and that they want the political leadership and the organizations responsible for security to be able to provide them and their families with that safety," Gyorgy Bakondi said on Saturday evening's public television program.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban's chief homeland security advisor also commented on the formation of the Patriots for Europe parliamentary group, saying that the recently formed political alliance had caught European politics by surprise and has triggered changes, the consequences of which are only now beginning to emerge. As for what impact this will have on illegal migration remains to be seen, but "there is a chance that on the issue of the war or on the serious problems rife in economic life, such as the issue of competitiveness, we can achieve a breakthrough, or at least initiate changes", Mr Bakondi said, stressing that 

"Illegal migration will remain on the agenda during the Hungarian EU presidency".

Illegal migration is a serious threat to the daily lives of people in Europe, the chief security advisor stated, noting that the steps that the Hungarian government has taken in this area continue to enjoy the majority of the Hungarian people's support, "regardless of party preferences". Gyorgy Bakondi also added that the Hungarian government is doing its utmost to ensure that the country does not have to face the negative consequences of illegal migration experienced in Western Europe.

Cover photo: The Hungarian prime minister's Chief Homeland Security Advisor Gyorgy Bakondi (Photo: MTI/Lajos Soos)

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