"In his speech today in Tusványos, Prime Minister Orbán had a lot to say about the United States of America. In the same remarks, fresh from his meeting with Putin, Prime Minister Orbán also peddled Kremlin conspiracy theories about the United States. Hardly what we expect from an Ally," - reads a fresh post from David Pressman on X, in which he reacted to PM Viktor Orban's speech at the Tusvanyos free summer university and student camp.
Pressman Accuses Orban of Spreading Conspiracy Theories
The US ambassador expressed his dislike, this time of PM Orban's recent speech at the Tusvanyos summer university.
![US Ambassador to Budapest, David Pressman (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)](https://cdn.magyarnemzet.hu/2024/07/eBjelOfc__iK3-Tb64lNSEdlrqbdBtKGSKaamWdf3m0/fill/1347/758/no/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9jbXNjZG4uYXBwLmNvbnRlbnQucHJpdmF0ZS9jb250ZW50LzMyNzQ2NjM0NzRiZDQ1NGViNDFlMzM2M2FjNWE0MmE3.jpg)
Az USA magyarországi nagykövete emellett belinkelt két percet a hónap elején, az amerikai függetlenség napja alkalmából elmondott beszédéből.
David Pressman itt azt mondta: „Apparently, there is an election coming up in the United Sates. I know this, in part, because your prime minister keeps reminding us daily of who he would like to win that election, and who he would vote for, if he were an American, which he is not."
„We have no other ally or partner – not a single one – that similarly, overtly and tirelessly campaings for a specific candicate in an election in the United Sates of America” – the ambassador complained.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: David Pressman (Photo:MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)
További IN ENGLISH híreink
A téma legfrissebb hírei
Tovább az összes cikkhez![](https://cdn.magyarnemzet.hu/2025/02/AY-9vanx_rCFXTT8uyrES3GIEoDTpJ4hv1JM7lbUM50/fill/550/310/no/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9jbXNjZG4uYXBwLmNvbnRlbnQucHJpdmF0ZS9jb250ZW50L2VhMjdmZTkzMWNhZTRkZGVhMTdkZjM3M2I5ZDdkNWRh.jpg)
PM Orban's Chief of Staff Presents Latest Decisions + Video
The head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office held the usual weekly press briefing, presenting the government's latest decisions.
Tamas Menczer: A Ceasefire and Negotiations Are Needed
"Brussels is not in a state of sobering up but rather doubling down on its delusions. This is why we patriots must occupy Brussels," the communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz-KDNP alliance posted on his social media page.
Trump Administration Ends Funding for Politico
The White House announces cancelling Politico subscriptions, bought by the US Agency for International Development during the Biden administration with millions of taxpayer dollars.
Trump's Ukraine Peace Plan Could Be Unveiled Within Days
The peace plan backed by the US president could be presented at the Munich Security Conference.
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Címoldalról ajánljuk
Tovább az összes cikkhez![](https://cdn.magyarnemzet.hu/2025/02/AY-9vanx_rCFXTT8uyrES3GIEoDTpJ4hv1JM7lbUM50/fill/550/310/no/1/aHR0cHM6Ly9jbXNjZG4uYXBwLmNvbnRlbnQucHJpdmF0ZS9jb250ZW50L2VhMjdmZTkzMWNhZTRkZGVhMTdkZjM3M2I5ZDdkNWRh.jpg)
PM Orban's Chief of Staff Presents Latest Decisions + Video
The head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office held the usual weekly press briefing, presenting the government's latest decisions.
Tamas Menczer: A Ceasefire and Negotiations Are Needed
"Brussels is not in a state of sobering up but rather doubling down on its delusions. This is why we patriots must occupy Brussels," the communications director of Hungary's ruling Fidesz-KDNP alliance posted on his social media page.
Trump Administration Ends Funding for Politico
The White House announces cancelling Politico subscriptions, bought by the US Agency for International Development during the Biden administration with millions of taxpayer dollars.
Trump's Ukraine Peace Plan Could Be Unveiled Within Days
The peace plan backed by the US president could be presented at the Munich Security Conference.