Viktor Orban Takes Terminator for a Ride + Video

This is not the first time for the American star to visit Budapest.

2024. 09. 15. 10:34
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is back in Budapest, the Hungarian  Mandiner news portal reported. The American actor was spotted in a restaurant in the capital, as shown by a photo posted on social media by the restaurant, the portal added.

On Saturday afternoon, Prime Minister Viktor Orban published a photo showing the former California governor visiting the Carmelite monastery and sitting in the prime minister's chair.

This is just the beginning!

Hungary's prime minister posted.

A short time later, the prime minister shared another post, showing him and the legendary actor in a gym, training together.

I didn't have my workout shirt with me, but the coach showed no mercy!

Viktor Orban wrote.

The VG news outlet recalled that Schwarzenegger had visited Budapest several times: in 2018, he filmed the movie Teminator: Dark Fate in Hungary's capital, and he also flew to Hungary in 2019 to attend the funeral of Andy Vajna and say his final farewell at the Fiumei Road Cemetery.

As earlier reported by Magyar Nemzet, Viktor Orban's appearance has changed noticeably in recent months, thanks to hard training. The Hungarian prime minister's workout tool is none other than the kettlebell, an iron ball with a handle. Orban put together his exercise routine for himself, which he performs with 16 and 24 kilogram iron balls.

Cover photo: Viktor Orban and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Source: Facebook)

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