Brussels Bent on Forcing Position, While Government Consults the Populace

A new round of national consultation is to kick off soon.

2024. 10. 21. 10:19
Illustration depicting the national consultation questionnaire mailed out by the Hungarian government (Photo: MTI/Marton Monus)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"High participation rates in the periodic national consultations reinforces Hungarian sovereignty. It gives the government the support and strength to successfully represent Hungary's independence to decide for ourselves on matters that are important to us," Balazs Hidvegi said in a video message posted on the Hungarian government's social media page .

"Brussels has tried on numerous issues to impose its position on us in recent years,"

the Parliamentary state secretary of the PM's Cabinet stressed, pointing out that the latest such effort now concerns the economy. Brussels wants an economic cold war and wants to dictate whom we can and cannot trade with.

This is detrimental to the interests of Hungary,

he emphasized, noting it's beneficial for us to be able to trade freely with both the West and the East, because that's how we can achieve higher economic growth than the EU average. Economy is not a matter of ideology, neutrality is needed, he said.

In the upcoming national consultation we will also ask about the people's views on the family tax allowance and the 13th month pension,

the state secretary said.

Brussels intends to tackle demographic and labor market problems with one thing: mass immigration. But the Hungarian government believes that it is not immigrants that are needed, but support for Hungarian families raising children. That is why they want to double the tax credit for children - in two stages - over the next period, Balazs Hidvegi said.

"Brussels is constantly attacking the 13th month pension and demanding that the Hungarian government abolish it. However, the government believes that the 13th month pension should not be abolished, but on the contrary, should be made permanent, thus helping our elderly fellow citizens," the politician said.

Everyone can express their opinion on these issues in the forthcoming national consultation,

Balazs Hidvegi stated.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/Marton Monus)

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