PM Orban: Brussels Wants a Puppet Government in Budapest

While the countries of the EU have a war strategy, Hungary has a peace strategy, Prime Minister Orban emphasized.

2024. 10. 18. 9:49
PM Viktor Orban gives an interview on Kossuth Radio’s Good Morning, Hungary program (Photo: PM's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– "In terms of the Ukraine war, there are two groups in the EU: there's us, and there are the others. From the very beginning, Hungary declared that it does not want to participate in the war efforts. The other countries all talk about fighting a war against Russia,” PM Viktor Orban told public Kossuth Radio’s Good Morning, Hungary program in his Friday morning interview , adding that the EU is acting as though it is a party to the conflict. 

The conflict cannot be resolved on the battlefield, therefore we need negotiations, and we must try to end the war as soon as possible to return to a peaceful life,

 – he added. PM Orban indicated that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's victory plan is doomed to fail, and will only lead to defeat.

Ukraine’s nuclear plans

Responding to a question that Ukraine is developing a nuclear weapon, PM Orban emphasized that he hadn’t heard such statements from President Zelensky when they spoke in person. They communicate through interpreters, so there could be slight nuances, the prime minister added.

He explained that intelligence services are already working to determine whether Ukraine does actually have a nuclear strategy.

Since the war began, the balance of powers has shifted in Russia’s favor, according to PM Orban, which means that Ukraine cannot negotiate from a position of strength, despite advice from the West, while the death toll keeps mounting on the front lines.

Pro-war European People's Party 

PM Orban underlined that the European People’s Party (EPP), led by Manfred Weber, is the most fervent supporter of the war.

In his view, it’s time for negotiations, and it would be beneficial if the German Chancellor and French President commenced talks with Russia. However, the European People’s Party hold a different position regarding this issue. 

The People’s Party envisions a policy that is bad for Hungarians,

 – Mr. Orban remarked, noting that during last week’s European Parliament debate, the People’s Party expressed dissatisfaction with the current Hungarian government and would prefer a pro-Brussels government in Budapest, with the Tisza Party - a member of the EPP - in charge.


The biggest challenges facing the EU are issues to which Hungary offers different solutions, Mr. Orban said. “What we’re doing is what the people of Europe want to see, but the governments are doing the opposite. Migration is one such thing,” he said.  He pointed out that 

Hungary has no migration crisis, which serves as an example to Europeans in contrast to their own governments.

Hungary is a thorn in the side

PM Orban also mentioned the issue of energy prices, noting that Hungarians pay the least in Europe.

– “Hungary is a thorn in the side,” he said, adding that Hungary is managing the problems successfully, as evidenced by the fact that the German economy is stagnating, while Hungary’s economy is continuing to grow.

The European People’s Party has put all its eggs in one basket. We left because their demands on Hungary were untenable. Now they've found another party to replace us and are pushing to install them in power to implement a program that Hungary rejected because it would harm our people. Brussels is another venue now where Hungarian domestic politics unfolds,

 – PM Orban underlined. 

The fact that we are a challenge to some EU countries only increase Hungary's standing. PM Orban said.

“The fact that we do things differently, with success, only elevates our standing in the world.” Mr. Orban also mentioned that after being shot, Slovak PM Robert Fico has returned in great shape, and a summit between Serbia, Slovakia, and Hungary will be held next week to discuss migration.

Hungary’s influence is greater than its size or actual economic and military strength would suggest, Mr. Orban pointed out. 

National consultation 

According to PM Orban, many will likely be surprised when the economic figures for the first quarter of 2025 are released. Hungary will stage a new national consultation, which is significant, to ansure solid foundations. He emphasized that Hungary can only pursue its independent economic policy if it enjoys popular support.

If war breaks out, these plans will be shelved because these type of economic policies are not needed in wartime,

 – Mr. Orban said. He also emphasized the need to protect the country from migration, arguing that a nation flooded with migrants cannot implement the economic policies the government envisions, given the immense costs that migrants incur.

Affordable housing and family benefits

PM Orban indicated that the government must provide affordable housing for young people, the family benefits must be doubled, and small and medium-sized enterprises should be included in economic growth through the Sandor Demjan Program. “The turnaround will be dramatic,” he added. Regarding the EU’s competitiveness, he underlined that 

you can’t compete if your competitors have lower energy bills, and the high taxes are also destroying your competitiveness.

Shortly after 7:30 am, Viktor Orban was a guest on public Kossuth Radio’s Good Morning, Hungary program. The prime minister discussed developments at the EU summit, recent government decisions, the newly announced economic action plan, and the launch of the national consultation.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives an interview on Kossuth Radio’s Good Morning, Hungary program (Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)


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