PM Orban: We Fight Only for Hungarians, for Hungarian Freedom

The key takeaways of the Hungarian prime minister's commemorative speech.

2024. 10. 24. 12:08
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his speech on Wednesday, October 23, Prime Minister Viktor Orban also thanked those involved in the recent flood protection efforts. Commemorating the country's Revolution against the Soviets in 1956, the PM noted that Hungary had also suffered natural disasters that year, including an earthquake and icy flooding.

In Mr Orban's words, history, like the flood waters, had gone off course, and this is about to happen again.

"No invading occupier has ever succeeded in breaking or pacifying the Hungarians," the prime minister stated, noting that empires like to be invited in. They will do anything to get a Hungarian to invite them in, that's precisely what the communists did, as well.

The West has been led into a hopeless war, and the horrors of another world war have not been this close in the last seventy years, he said, adding that "hundreds of thousands of people have already perished on the front line, and the European economy has suffered a shot in the lungs".

They're bent on drawing the entire European Union into the war, he warned, stating that Hungarians must decide whether they want to go to war.

But the lessons of history show that we must fight only for Hungarians and for Hungarian freedom.


Brussels wants puppet government ruling Hungary

PM Orban indicated that the EU leadership can't accept that Hungary makes independent, sovereign decisions, and therefore they want to impose a puppet government on us.

He also noted that they already have their sites on a puppet government, and the right man for the job, a real yes-man. He's an ideal candidate to head a puppet government.

"Do we bow to the foreign will or do we resist it? This is the grave decision that Hungary now faces. Our response must be as clear and unequivocal as it was in 1956,"

the premier pointed out. 

At the end of his speech, the PM Orban stressed that he was ready to fight. "They will not break through here. We will win, they will lose, we Hungarians can and will do it. We will do it again. Glory to the heroes of 1956!" he concluded.

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