"We started the week early. Radio on Sunday, exchanging punches in the parliament on Monday, and then in the evening, heading to Bishkek for the meeting of the Turkic Council. Then the "big ones" are coming to visit us, and on Thursday and Friday, all eyes around the world will be focused on Budapest hosting the biggest diplomatic event in Hungary's history," Hungary's prime minister gave details of is program after a radio interview on Sunday morning.
An Exciting Week with Busy Agenda Ahead for PM Orban
Hungary's prime minister kicked off the working week on Sunday and won't slow down until Friday.
PM Orban shared photos of the radio interview, concluding his post by adding:
And on Tuesday, go Donald Trump! Buckle up, it's going to be exciting!
A téma legfrissebb hírei
Tovább az összes cikkhezHungarian State Secretary: Brussels Applies Double Standards
It would be beneficial if Brussels focused on cleaning up its own affairs first, the Hungarian state secretary said.
New Scandal in Brussels: Secret Contracts and Bought NGOs
Frans Timmermans, a frequent staunch critic of Hungary, is at the center of a shocking exposé in the Dutch press.
Budapest's Mayor Obstructs Development
The government's investment project designed to benefit the capital's residents is used by the mayor for political games.
Major Tax Crime Investigation: Is Ujpest Mayor on the Hook?
The investigation into the scandal could tun up evidence of more corruption involving multiple left-wing municipalities.
Ne maradjon le a Magyar Nemzet legjobb írásairól, olvassa őket minden nap!
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Címoldalról ajánljuk
Tovább az összes cikkhezHungarian State Secretary: Brussels Applies Double Standards
It would be beneficial if Brussels focused on cleaning up its own affairs first, the Hungarian state secretary said.
New Scandal in Brussels: Secret Contracts and Bought NGOs
Frans Timmermans, a frequent staunch critic of Hungary, is at the center of a shocking exposé in the Dutch press.
Budapest's Mayor Obstructs Development
The government's investment project designed to benefit the capital's residents is used by the mayor for political games.
Major Tax Crime Investigation: Is Ujpest Mayor on the Hook?
The investigation into the scandal could tun up evidence of more corruption involving multiple left-wing municipalities.