Hungarians Find Ukraine's Gas Transit Blackmail Unacceptable

Ukraine’s stopping of gas transit has reignited debates about how long the European Union and its member states can tolerate Volodymyr Zelensky's pro-war pressure exercise, which is causing significant economic harm to the European community. Research by Szazadveg has revealed that three-quarters of the Hungarians find it unacceptable that Ukraine uses restrictions on oil and gas transits as a tool for exerting political pressure.

2025. 01. 09. 11:32
Main incoming gas pipeline at the Wien Energie oil and gas center in Vienna on January 6, 2009 (Photo: AFP/Dieter Nagl)
Main incoming gas pipeline at the Wien Energie oil and gas center in Vienna on January 6, 2009 (Photo: AFP/Dieter Nagl)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Ukraine did not renew its gas transit agreement with Russia's Gazprom. The move increased gas prices on Europe markets and particularly adversely affected the supply of the Central European region, Szazadveg wrote in its analysis. Under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, both parties are obligated not to endanger each other's energy security by restricting the export, import, or transit of energy carriers. Nevertheless, the Ukrainian leadership consistently uses its energy market position for political leverage: last summer's sanctions on Lukoil's shipments through the Druzhba oil pipeline and this year’s boycott of gas transit via the Brotherhood pipeline are examples of attempts to force Hungary and Slovakia into adopting a pro-war stance.

Seventy-five percent of the Hungarian population opposes Ukraine's actions.

The high percentage is unsurprising considering that, in addition to large-scale humanitarian aid, both Hungary and Slovakia provide significant energy support to Ukraine, including fuel deliveries and electricity exports.

Similar to the Ukrainian leadership's attempts to exert pressure, the European Commission's behavior can also be considered unacceptable. Despite Brussels' obligation to take action in cases of violations of the Association Agreement, the Commission has demonstratively sided with Ukraine against the affected member states and their citizens. The results of the public opinion survey highlight that Brussels' positions are not only at odds with the interests of the European Union but also with the expectations of the Hungarian population.

Cover photo: Main incoming gas pipeline at the Wien Energie oil and gas center in Vienna on January 6, 2009 (Photo: AFP/Dieter Nagl)

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