Interview with Viktor Orban Draws Massive Attention Worldwide

The conversation between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson has garnered millions of views in a short period, indicating that Orban’s message has attracted significant global attention.

2025. 02. 16. 15:40
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Viktor Orban participated in the first Tucker Carlson Summit in Dubai, an event where the conservative opinion leader invited some of Donald Trump’s closest allies. The highlight of the summit was the interview with Viktor Orban, during which the Hungarian prime minister shared his views on current global political issues. Key topics of the conversation included the Russia-Ukraine war, political shifts in the US and Europe, and Hungary’s migration and economic strategies. Orban delivered sharp criticism of Western intervention efforts and Brussels' policies, emphasizing that Hungary’s sovereignty is non-negotiable.

Óriási siker lett Orbán Viktor interjúja
Tucker Carlson's interview with Viktor Orban is a huge success (Photo: Facebook/Viktor Orban)

Interview with Viktor Orban draws millions of viewers

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Viktor Orban achieved massive viewership, with millions watching it in a short time.

Within just 12 hours, the Dubai interview had over 344,000 views on YouTube and reached 1.6 million people on the X social media platform.

Posts related to the interview also gained significant attention across social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Users actively commented and shared their opinions on the discussion, particularly Orban’s stance on war, sovereignty, and Brussels’ policies. Posts highlighting key moments from the interview generated considerable engagement, further boosting interest.

During the interview, Viktor Orban addressed some of the most pressing international issues, including the USAID scandal, illegal migration, NATO’s future, and the Russia-Ukraine war. He stated that Hungary continues to successfully protect its traditional values despite the liberal headwind and that the return of Donald Trump's politics has created a new situation in Europe.


During the discussion, Orban harshly criticized the attempts of Western elites to intervene in domestic affairs, as well as the policies pursued by Brussels and Washington. He emphasized that Hungary’s sovereignty is not up for negotiation and that Western powers have long attempted to influence Hungarian politics.

Tucker Carlson highlighted Viktor Orban’s status as one of Europe’s most influential leaders over the years, noting that many of his predictions were right. The viewership numbers of the interview also reflect the widespread interest in the Hungarian prime minister’s opinions across the world.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)


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