Chile Prepares for a Decisive Election

The upcoming elections in Chile this fall are of critical importance for the country's future, making it essential to determine who becomes the new president. The progressive wave of recent elections has brought uncertainty and economic stagnation. Jose Antonio Kast, president of the Chilean Republican Party, advocates for prioritizing conservative, family-centered values, while urgint to incorporate political elements inspired by Donald Trump. We sat down to discuss all this with Cristian Valenzuela, the chief advisor to the president of the Chilean Republican Party.

2025. 03. 22. 14:07
Cristian Valenzuela (Source: Center for Funddamental Rights)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Chile will hold new elections this fall. In the second round of the previous election, Jose Antonio Kast was unsuccessful. However, both the world and your country have changed significantly since then. How will this election differ from the last one? What is at stake?

– Chile has reached a turning point. The last elections were marked by a wave of progressive populism that promised change but instead brought only uncertainty, economic stagnation, and a government crisis. Four years later, Chileans are experiencing the consequences of left-wing policies: crime has skyrocketed, illegal immigration is unchecked, and families are struggling with an economy that punishes work and entrepreneurship. What is at stake? The future of our country. This election is not just about choosing a government; it is about whether Chile will reclaim the path of order, progress, and security or continue down the road of failed policies that weaken our institutions. We will offer a clear alternative: a government that prioritizes law and order, puts Chileans first, and restores economic freedom and family values as the foundation of our society. Chile needs strong leadership, and we are ready to provide it. People have witnessed the failure of the left, and now they have a chance to reclaim control over their country. This is what's at stake in this election.

– Conservative, family-centered forces are gaining strength worldwide. How would Jose Antonio Kast incorporate this approach into everyday life in Chile?

– The revival of conservative, family-centered values worldwide is a response to the failures of progressive policies, which have weakened the foundations of our societies. In Chile, this issue is more urgent than ever as we face a demographic crisis threatening our future. A deeply troubling statistic has just been released: the total fertility rate has dropped to just 1.16, meaning fewer Chileans are being born each day, and our population is aging at an alarming rate. We have become an individualistic society driven by competition, drifting further from the family as the pillar of society. A country without children and families is a country doomed to disappear. It is time to put the family back at the center of our national agenda and goals. Hungary serves as a global example in family policy, particularly in reducing the tax burdens on mothers with children. Their approach proves that when a state prioritizes and protects families, the social safety net strengthens, and the nation’s future is secured. Through our collaboration with the Center for Fundamental Rights, our goal is to support and implement a strong pro-family agenda in Chile, making motherhood easier and ensuring that mothers do not face financial disadvantages for choosing to start a family. It is time to move away from policies that make family life difficult and adopt a system that values and protects those who form the foundation of our society.

– In your view, what elements of Donald Trump’s policies could Chile adopt?

– Donald Trump’s policies had a clear and powerful focus: he put his country and its citizens first. And this is exactly what Chile needs today. We must abandon the left’s failed experiments and adopt a national agenda that prioritizes Chileans. Several key elements of Trump’s approach should and must be applied in Chile. For example, strong borders and controlled immigration. Trump demonstrated that taking decisive action against illegal immigration is not only necessary but effective. Chile is experiencing an uncontrolled migration crisis that fuels crime and social instability. We must protect our borders, enforce strict immigration laws, and deport those who enter illegally. Chile belongs first and foremost to Chileans. Another priority is law and order. Under Trump, the U.S. strengthened law enforcement and took a tough stance on crime. In Chile, crime is spiraling out of control, and the government has responded weakly. We need stricter penalties for criminals, greater resources for the police and military, and a justice system that protects victims rather than criminals. Economic freedom and deregulation are also essential. Trump lowered taxes, reduced bureaucracy, and encouraged investment, leading to job creation and economic expansion. Chile was once a model of economic success but is now trapped in an overregulated system that punishes entrepreneurship. We must cut taxes, simplify regulations, and unleash the private sector to allow it to generate prosperity and opportunity.

– What kind of foreign policy do you think Chile needs?

– Chile is a country that is commercially open to the world, and we must maintain and strengthen this spirit. However, we cannot allow international organizations and the global left to continue undermining the will of the Chilean people, as has happened in other countries. Chile must prioritize its own citizens above all and defend their interests first.

What do you think of the growing attempts by the global left to overthrow conservative governments and interfere in elections?

– The increasing attempts of the global left-wing network to overthrow conservative governments and interfere in elections are no coincidence—they are part of a coordinated strategy to enforce their ideology at any cost. One of conservatism’s greatest achievements has been its ability to interpret the majority’s feelings through common sense. People want to be free, to feel safe, to work, and to be fairly rewarded for their merit and efforts—not through coercion. They want to build families and raise their children in peace and stability. In contrast, the left seeks to impose its identity-based ideology by force and will use every possible means—legal or illegal—to override the people's will. They manipulate institutions, weaponize the media, and mobilize international organizations to destabilize governments that stand in the way of their radical agenda.

We've seen this strategy at work in Latin America and beyond—conservative leaders are targeted, their legitimacy questioned, and their policies sabotaged by external actors unwilling to accept the people’s democratic choices. This must stop. Nations must firmly resist foreign interference, safeguard their electoral processes, and ensure that their democratic institutions remain in the hands of their own citizens. This fight is not just political in nature — it is a battle for sovereignty, freedom, and the right of each country to determine its own future without outside manipulation.

– What are your thoughts on the global persecution of Christians? How can this be changed?

– The persecution of Christians is one of the greatest injustices of our time, yet much of the world remains silent. We see Christians imprisoned, tortured, and even killed in many countries simply for practicing their faith. At the same time, there is growing hostility toward Christian values in the West, where believers are increasingly marginalized for defending their principles. We must not be afraid to stand up for Christianity, and Hungary has been a strong voice in this struggle. The values of faith, family, and freedom are under attack, and we must respond with determination. We will not remain silent while thousands of Christians suffer for their beliefs. It is time to act boldly and with conviction.

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