Fred Fleitz: Trump’s Return Ushers in New Era in U.S. Foreign Policy

Fred Fleitz, Vice President of the America First Policy Institute, in an interview with Magyar Nemzet spoke about U.S.–Hungary relations, Donald Trump's plans regarding the Russia–Ukraine war, and the new direction of U.S. foreign policy. Fleitz participated in the Peace Through Strength: The World Aligns with Trump - and Hungary conference in Budapest, organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights.

2025. 03. 01. 14:37
Fred Fleitz, Vice President of the America First Policy Institute (Photo: Attila Polyak).
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to Fred Fleitz, Trump's return marks significant changes in U.S. foreign policy, particularly concerning Europe and NATO. In an interview at the conference, he explained that the new Trump administration aims to maintain strong alliances, but expects its partners to take responsibility for their own security.

Fred Fleitz az Alapjogokért Központ  Peace Through Strength: The World Aligns with Trump and Hungary elnevezésű konferenciáján vett részt.
Fred Fleitz at the Peace Through Strength: The World Aligns with Trump - and Hungary conference in Budapest, organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights.
Photo: Attila Polyak

The isolation caused by the Biden administration is over,

Fleitz stated, suggesting that under Trump's leadership, Hungary could become one of America’s most important allies. He acknowledged that many EU member states are still resisting Trump’s policies, but stressed that "America needs strong allies, and Hungary will be one of them."

A New Foreign Policy Approach

Fleitz outlined Trump's clear foreign policy principles:

A strong president, a strong foreign policy, a strong American military.

He emphasized that while the U.S. will not seek unnecessary wars, it will act decisively when its interests are at risk.

On NATO, he reiterated that Trump supports the alliance but expects "Europe to take on the primary responsibility for its own defense and for supporting Ukraine militarily."

Fred Fleitz az Alapjogokért Központ  Peace Through Strength: The World Aligns with Trump and Hungary elnevezésű konferenciáján vett részt.
Fred Fleitz at the Peace Through Strength: The World Aligns with Trump - and Hungary conference in Budapest, organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights.
Photo: Attila Polyak

On the Russia–Ukraine war, Fleitz stated that Trump’s stance is clear: "This is a prolonged war that Ukraine will lose. The only moral and correct decision is to stop the bloodshed." He acknowledged that Europe struggles to accept this position, but also said that Trump is persuading an increasing number of Western leaders that ending the conflict is inevitable.


"America First": Fairness, Not Isolationism

Fleitz addressed misconceptions about Trump’s “America First” policy, emphasizing that it is not isolationism, but rather: "The American president must prioritize American workers, the economy, and national security in every foreign policy decision."

On international trade, he stressed that Trump is demanding reciprocity. 

Trade must not only be free but also fair.

He criticized the European Union, claiming that it has been particularly unfair to American agriculture, technology, and the automotive industry—something Trump is determined to change.

The America First policy is about fairness for the United States,

Fleitz concluded, adding that under Trump’s leadership, America will pursue a stronger but fairer foreign policy.

Cover photo: Fred Fleitz, Vice President of the America First Policy Institute (Photo: Attila Polyak).


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