Center for Fundamental Rights: No change at the helm of the Soros empire

"Change at the top of the Soros empire? Hardly", the Center for Fundamental Rights wrote in an analysis published on its website on Monday, following the retirement of George Soros at the age of 92.

2023. 06. 13. 14:01
Soros György
Brüsszel, 2016. június 30. Az Európai Parlament által közreadott képen Soros György magyar származású amerikai üzletember, a New York-i Soros Fund Management befektetési társaság elnöke az EP fejlesztési, költségvetési, bel- és igazságügyi bizottságainak közös konferenciáján Brüsszelben 2016. június 30-án. (MTI/Európai Parlament/Philippe Buissin) Fotó: Philippe BUISSIN
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

George Soros has dedicated his entire career to spreading the most extreme manifestations of liberalism by any means necessary.

He has always tried to achieve his goals by fair means or foul, and has used his professionally built and managed network, which spans the globe, to foment tension, unrest and even bloody uprisings and riots in peaceful countries. By his 90s, he has even surpassed his former self by urging the continuation of the war in Ukraine at all costs,

the Center wrote.

Today, George Soros is known to all as the "godfather" of open society, and as someone who has always been a generous donor to the Hungarian Left. Many also know that he has engaged in stock market speculations to make his fortune, which he put at the service of radical progress.

He has sometimes exploited political crises created by his own network to make billions in profit, riding the negative impact on societies of the market turmoils he has created, among other things, to foment discord and tension in order to achieve his cherished dream of abolishing nation states and state sovereignty,

the Center wrote.

In its analysis, the Center for Fundamental Rights underlines that the final stage of George Soros' career was perhaps the most inhumane of the many dark stages. In 2014, the network he controlled took an active role in instigating and managing the revolt in Ukraine known as the "Maidan Unrest." He then provided Kyiv's leadership with continuous social manipulation advice until the Russian invasion of 2022, during the presidencies of both the now deposed Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky. Ukrainians became increasingly impoverished, the country was forced to shoulder the burden of ever-growing debt, while Soros' employees have worked to deepen the trench between Ukraine, Russia and other neighbors, reads the analysis.

Having felt that he has come full circle by the bloodshed in Europe and his involvement in it, he passed on his empire to his son Alexander, who will pick up exactly where his father had left off, the Center writes.

Alexander Soros said last summer that he would like to see more military involvement and support from Western countries in the fighting in Ukraine, and that there is no chance of peace talks. Now that his retiring father George Soros has laid the financial foundations of his empire and created a global network of pseudo-civil society organizations promoting an open society, his son can focus all his energy on implementing the extreme liberal ideals he's inherited. He says he is preparing to do just that, and will be much more political than his father," the Center for Fundamental Rights writes. 

Alexander Soros has very close links with both the US and Hungarian Left. The pro-war forces in Hungary have nothing to fear from the heir to the throne and can continue to count on his generous support. On social media, he has shared an advertisement for Action for Democracy, a key organization in the case known as the 'rolling dollars' scandal, which has sent foreign funds to Hungary. Help Hungarians choose, he then wrote in the comment of the advertisement.

Since then, has been doing his best to persuade the Hungarian people to support those who advocate arms supplies and are even prepared to send soldiers to Ukraine. He is also reported to have been involved in boosting the popularity of Marton Gulyas and Balazs Gulyas, two participants of the opposition media, which is not the least bit independent of Soros' donations. Alexander Soros has been in Budapest several times in recent years to personally monitor the work of OSF's foot soldiers in Hungary, the Center writes.

His father has been preparing Alexander to take over the empire for years, and he has met influential politicians such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Since Joe Biden took office, he has had free access to the White House. He has admitted that he fears the return of Donald Trump and will continue to support the Democratic Party.

Alexander Soros is not only interested in the escalation of the conflict in Hungary's neighborhood, but is also personally committed to spreading LGBTQ and gender propaganda and is fully supportive of his father's plans on migration.

In conclusion, it is certain that the extreme ideology of the Soros empire will live on under his reign, and he will be even more dynamic in leading a full-scale attack on the fundamental values of our societies," the Center for Fundamental Rights wrote in its analysis.


Cover photo: US businessman George Soros, chairman of the New York-based Soros Fund Management investment company, at the joint conference of the EP's Development, Budget, Justice and Home Affairs Committees in Brussels on 30 June 2016 (Photo: MTI/European Parliament/Philippe Buissin)


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