"Those waiting for Brussels will be disappointed”

Anti-immigration voices are stronger than ever because of the planned asylum reform of the EU's leftist-liberal leadership. Most recently, the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) and German migration expert Gerald Knaus have also voiced their opinion on the subject, with the Soros empire's lobbyist criticizing the planned reforms by Brussels.

2023. 06. 26. 14:10
Lampedusa-sziget, 2023. június 16. Migránsok eligazításon vesznek részt a lampedusai regisztrációs központban 2023. június 14-én. Az Olaszországhoz tartozó, tíz kilométer hosszú földközi-tengeri sziget mindössze 120 kilométerre fekszik Tunézia legközelebbi pontjától. Az Olasz Vöröskereszt mûködtette létesítményt eredetileg 650 fõ befogadására tervezték. 2023 elsõ négy hónapjában 40 ezer illegális bevándorló érkezett Lampedusára, négyszer annyi, mint az elõzõ év azonos idõszakában. MTI/EPA/ANSA/Vincenzo Livieri Fotó: Vincenzo Livieri
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It is not worth waiting for a solution from Brussels

While the European Union is discussing an asylum reform, an unprecedented number of boats are setting off from North Africa towards Europe carrying thousands of migrants who are determined to settle in Western European countries. Those states follow an open borders policy in a bid to resolve their problems regarding demography and labor shortages. 

It is still the case that anyone reaching EU soil may settle in Europe, regardless of whether they are granted asylum or not,

the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) wrote in a statement. According to the right-wing party, the European Union has not seriously sounded an alarm even after some rather unfortunate disasters at sea in recent months. 

Around 500 people have paid with their lives for the inability of EU policy to finally deprive the people smuggler mafia of the basis of their business with a more rigorous asylum and ' immigration policy,

FPO wrote, referring to the fact that a large number of dinghies and fishing boats carrying migrants have sunk in the past trying to reach the Europe's shores. The party called for an immediate stop to asylum, real border protection and making Austria less attractive as a destination for illegal immigrants. They also demanded the retrieval of the country's full sovereignty and self-determination from Brussels. "Because we have to be able to decide for ourselves again who is allowed to come to Austria and who isn’t,” FPO party Chairman Herbert Kick stated, adding that those waiting for Brussels will be disappointed.


Even Soros' allies are raising their voices in Germany?

Migration expert Gerald Knaus, a lobbyist of the Soros empire, also criticized the EU's asylum reform on the German public channel ZDF. Even he, a staunch proponent of the leftist-liberal leadership of the EU, thinks that the measures will not achieve their intended purpose.

This pact will not lead to less irregular migration. We really need something better, and we need it as soon as possible to stop dying in the Mediterranean.

Gerald Knaus said.


Cover photo: Migrants attend a briefing at the registration center in Lampedusa on 14 June 2023 (Photo: MTI/EPA/ANSA/Vincenzo Livieri)

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