Last Saturday the world woke up to a great day: the 93rd birthday of George Soros, the leader without a nation. But even more significant was the 11th of June, when the global financier announced in the Wall Street Journal, the newspaper of global financiers, that he was handing over control of his "empire" to one of his sons. Alex, 37, had already been elected chairman of the board of trustees of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) in December. The generational change, which is also in connection with Soros's advanced age, is accompanied by major organizational changes that also affect Europe. There has been a regular panic in Hungarian liberal circles and the press following a recent newsletter, which some interpreted as the Soros family turning its back on Europe. In fact, it seems that there will be some casualties of the restructuring here and that some people will have to make do with fewer dollars, but the empire is far from withdrawing from Europe. Rather, as a global organization, it sees more challenges elsewhere. Alex Soros, for example, has made no secret of the fact that he is paying more attention to supporting liberal causes such as abortion rights in the US.
The European mainstream, which has entrenched itself in recent decades, has practically embraced the open society ideal.
This is logical. Whether we like it or not, Europe is being spectacularly devalued on a global scale (politically, economically, militarily, demographically), with only culture, club football and elite universities standing out. It is becoming a museum where US and Japanese tourists take selfies in front of the Doge's Palace and the Eiffel Tower. But while those supporting abortion in the US have been dealt a blow, Europe is largely conquered territory for the Soros empire, which spends on and a half billion dollars a year worldwide to realize the liberal dream. The European mainstream, which has become entrenched in recent decades, has virtually embraced the open society ideal.
French jurist Gregor Puppinck, for example, has found in his research that twenty-two of the judges recently appointed to the European Court of Human Rights have been delegated to Strasbourg by liberal organizations. Twelve of them worked with the OSF, and two of the three Albanian candidates came from the OSF. And when an internal OSF database was leaked years ago by the DCLeaks portal, it revealed that senior EU decision-makers, including hundreds of MEPs, were considered to be trusted by the Soros organization, so the people on Soros’s list could form the largest group. The Soros family may think: why bother with Europe when their loyal lieutenants can do the job? They are not leaving, they have ticked off this part of the world and retained their influence. All this affects Hungary too. Although the OSF spends only one in a thousand dollars here, it still amounts to several hundred million forints a year. Last year, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee had an income of $2.6 million, seventeen times more than that of an average Hungarian NGO. However, the OSF provided 'only' $280 thousand while the European Commission gave $345 thousand.
There is something brilliant about Soros. His work to undermine nation-states and his God-denying revolutionism are equally alien and dangerous in Israel or North Macedonia. He writes and speaks in frightening ways about his messianic fantasies and his idea of himself as a divine creator. His activities are called philanthropy in America, but we would be very grateful if he loved humanity a hundred times less and a with a thousand times fewer dollars. At the moment he is following the law of conservation of matter: it does not perish, it is only transformed.
Cover photo: George Soros and his son (Photo: Facebook)
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