Why should we believe that the CIA does not want to influence Hungary? + video

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has recently spoken openly about how the United States influences the domestic politics of other countries. According to security expert Jozsef Horvath, there is no reason to believe that such attempts are not being made in Hungary.

Magyar Nemzet
2023. 09. 06. 17:00
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The CIA today is the biggest founder of journalism today around the world, through USAID" words of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. caused great uproar in the media. According to the Democratic Party presidential candidate, the United States funds journalism in almost every country in the world, owns media outlets and thousands of journalists are on its payroll.

Journalism is a front that has been exploited by intelligence services operating worldwide.

In an interview to Magyar Nemzet, Hungarian security expert Jozsef Horvath remarked that there was nothing new in what Kennedy said. We have to admit that in the 21st century the media has become a force of influencing politics, so it is obvious that they are trying to discredit politicians and influence voters all over the world under the guise of journalism.


Magyar Nemzet wrote earlier that what Kennedy was talking about may be true word for word in Hungary, as published intelligence reports revealed that Oraculum 2020. Kft, which publishes the government-critical Ezalenyeg.hu group of media outlets, also received a significant amount of the foreign money during the election campaign. The donors of those sums are still unknown.

We do not know to what extent a Hungarian company or a Hungarian company is involved in their intentions or being exploited, because a media company that receives such large sums of money is unlikely to ask why it was sent the money, Jozsef Horvath opined.

Cover image: Illustration (Source: Pexels)

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