"Brussels' aggressive political and power ambitions override everything. For years, the Brussels bureaucracy has been delivering the fiercest possible attacks against those member states that stand up for their national interests against the political diktats of Brussels," Tamas Deutsch, an MEP of Fidesz, told Magyar Nemzet, commenting on Wednesday's debate on Hungary in the European Parliament.
Fidesz MEP: Brussels' Aggressive Political and Power Ambitions Override Everything
For years, the Brussels bureaucracy has been delivering the fiercest possible attacks against those member states that stand up for their national interests against the political diktats of Brussels," Tamas Deutsch, an MEP of Fidesz, told Magyar Nemzet.
He highlighted that
the fundamental problem Brussels has with us Hungarians is that from the outset, we have consistently rejected illegal migration, we say no to gender madness and we are in favor of an immediate ceasefire and peace talks regarding on the war in Ukraine.
Tamas Deutsch noted that " Brussels expects everyone to adopt a pro-migration policy, requires member states to give free reign to gender madness, and pursues a policy of warmongering. Brussels is not investing its energies into solving problems that affect tens and hundreds of millions of Europeans, but into attacking attacking the member states that stand up for their national interests."
As Magyar Nemzet reported, after the funds for Hungary, the next item on the planned agenda was to discuss the EU summit due on February 1, but this point was not really covered. Even Romanian socialist MEP Maria Grapini pointed out that the debate revolved around Hungary's vilification and Ukraine-related issues from the previous session.
If citizens had listened to this debate, which was called a key debate, they would have been disappointed and outraged. No one has said anything about what the European Council will do on February 1. What is the balance sheet? And the president left before the key debate – shameful! The Belgian presidency has said nothing about the Schengen area. Will we complete the Schengen accession of Romania and Bulgaria or not?
she said.
Although many MEPs contributed to the debate, the hemicycle was far from being packed.
The left-wing majority in the EP has miscalculated itself a little. With countless debates on Hungary, it is not the first time that the debate essentially drowned in indifference,
Tamas Deutsch told our newspaper.
"Looking at the standard, quality and content of the speeches, the most striking feature of the debate was that those who stood up for Hungary won the debate," he said.
At the beginning of the debate, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, admitted that Hungary has delivered on Brussels' requirements, yet the EP is going out of its way to put pressure on the Commission.
"The reason is very simple: the European Commission is also constantly using strong political pressure as a tool, and therefore, when the European Parliament, for example, uses political blackmail against the Commission, they often give in," the MEP of Fidesz pointed out, adding that
unfortunately, the relationship between the EU institutions is not characterized by loyal cooperation as defined in the treaties, but by mutual blackmailing and pressurizing.
Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch at the European Parliament (Photo: MTI/European Parliament/Jan Van de Vel)
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