Fidesz MEP: Brussels Should Respect Slovakia's Sovereignty!

"We, in Central Europe, have fought very hard to regain our freedom and self-determination, in terms of our own future. We will not let this be taken away from us. I expect you to respect the Slovak people's choice and the decisions of their government," Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi said, lending his voice to a debate in the EP on the rule of law and media freedom in Slovakia.

2024. 04. 12. 15:20
Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi speaks alongside Patryk Jaki, a Polish member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, during a press conference following the European Parliament's debate on the new EU migration and asylum package, at the EP building in Brussels (Photo: MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– Slovakia recently conducted elections where Slovaks made a clear choice. During the campaign all views and opinions were heard, culminating in a straightforward decision by the Slovak people. While some may not like the outcome reached by the Slovaks, this is completely irrelevant", Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi explained.

What matters is not whether you like the result of the elections, but that you should respect the decision of the Slovak people. This is why the Czechs and the Slovaks fought for in 1968, the Hungarians in 1956 and the Poles in 1981: for our freedom, to choose our democratic path. This Parliament, or the European Commission, is not a superior authority. They must respect the sovereignty of peoples!

– Mr Hidveghi argued. In an earlier piece Magyar Nemzet highlighted a warning by Robert Fico this week that Brussels was not satisfied with the fact that the second round of Slovakia's presidential race at the weekend concluded with the victory of former Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, an ally of current PM Robert Fico, rather than Ivan Korcok. Mr Fico said Slovakia could face sanctions, including the withholding of European funds on trumped-up charges, as it has done repeatedly in the case of Hungary and Poland.

Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Balazs Hidveghi speaks alongside Patryk Jaki, a Polish member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, during a press conference following the European Parliament's debate on the new EU migration and asylum package, at the EP building in Brussels (Photo: MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet)

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